Do you mumble a lot or speak too low?

I notice many times I talk to people I don't feel comfortable with with a very low voice (because I don't want to speak too loud for everyone to listen) and a weaker tone and it's like I eat words in a weird way, and then people don't undertand what I say lots of times. Do you have this too?


Well-known member
i also , and its not on pourpouse. i have to make a effort to speak louder.

actually i eat words a lot, but not much when talking , mostly when writing.


Well-known member
When i am calm i can speak clearly, but when i am anxious i mumble a lot. I hate going to Mcdonalds o'r to any other counter when there's a queue of people then i beging to mumble.

When i phoned the clinic where i get therapy for the first time i thought they had got my details right, but when i got the letter of confirmation i realised that they had got my surname totally wrong! I mean did i mumble that much?!


Well-known member
I think that I mumble a lot. I noticed today that my doctor kept saying "What?" He couldn't seem to understand what I was saying to him.


Well-known member
Oh yeah, I feel like I talk to softly. And I will often quickly mumble things and people will have to ask me to repeat things.

I get tongue-tied very easily. I actually have a lot of difficulty saying my own name (Laura). When I answer the phone at work I have to say "[name of company] Laura speaking." because before I was saying "[name of company] this is Laura" and sooo many people misunderstood my name. Like I had people calling me so many different things because they didn't understand what I was saying. I can't pronounce my name clearly when I say "this is__" before it I guess. Also, when I was younger people always thought I was saying my name was "Maura," cause I mumbled so much.


Well-known member
Yes , same here
i hate it because someone asks you a question and your voice has just gone! and then you have to cough which is kinda embarrsing itself

why is nothing simple!


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
Oh yeah, I feel like I talk to softly. And I will often quickly mumble things and people will have to ask me to repeat things.

Speak softly and carry a big stick??? :roll:

the name stuff is actually funny, i'm tired of getting called, john , jonas, jonatas and even jefereson, i no longer correct people :/ - let they callme whatever they want...


New member
i have trouble controling the level of my voice.

im quite then certian things will be far to loud.

as a general rule im as quiet as possible, you don't know whos listening.


Well-known member
I can relate. It is funny, because when I talk in what I call a "normal" voice, people can't hear me. When I mumble to myself, people can hear me more, usually because I might be saying something about them.

I have come to the conclusion that people can hear exactly what they want to hear.


Well-known member
Yes, pretty much everyday people always ask me to repeat what I said. It's so damn annoying, lol. Too talk "normally" I basically have to yell.

Also due to my anxiety I tend to usually start rambling or not making sense or I tend to come off very accentuated.


Well-known member
Yeah I mumble. I guess it is when I am anxious. I was teased by this guy at school who called me 'the mumbler' and would pretend to not understand anything I said. This kind of taunting made me want to not open my mouth.

In loud environments I get concerned that the people are not going to be able to hear me.


New member
I try to keep my voice down to a tone where only the person I'm talking to can hear me. I hate talking in a group of people or when others are around when I talkin to someone, I feel like they are listening and judging what i say.


recluse said:
When i am calm i can speak clearly, but when i am anxious i mumble a lot. I hate going to Mcdonalds o'r to any other counter when there's a queue of people then i beging to mumble.

Omg I thought I was the only one :?


Lefty_Wilbury said:
i have trouble controling the level of my voice

Big ditto on that,my pitch can change so much and not for the normal reasons it does for a guy :lol: im too old for that now.

Deffo a fellow mumbler aswell...I hate having to say my name aswell... i mean of all the things you think you would be able to repeat without messing it up specialy when your expecting it to be asked!.. would be your name.But no i normaly have to repeat my name several times lol.
Yup, I always speak either too low or too fast. Usually, if I'm asking for something from a shop or talking to an adult I'll talk too fast and I'll have to repeat myself a few times. Then normally talking with my family I just mumble and speak really low.

I hate having to say my name aswell

So do I! I always seem to pronounce it wrong, I just can't seem to say it right at all. When someone asks me my name, I know I'm going to have to repeat it and spell it a few times before anyone understands me. Grr! And my surname comes out sounding like 'Ling' or 'Lin', like a Chinese name or something, and I'm a freckled Irish girl, so I get strange looks before I'm asked to repeat it!
I'm so glad someone else has this problem! :lol: