Do you mumble a lot or speak too low?


kayelle said:
So do I! I always seem to pronounce it wrong, I just can't seem to say it right at all. When someone asks me my name, I know I'm going to have to repeat it and spell it a few times before anyone understands me. Grr! And my surname comes out sounding like 'Ling' or 'Lin', like a Chinese name or something, and I'm a freckled Irish girl, so I get strange looks before I'm asked to repeat it!
I'm so glad someone else has this problem! :lol:

LoL aw tho i wouldnt wish it upon anyone,it is nice to know someone else has problems speaking there own name so ditto!And I have a really common english first and 2nd name...Just somehow im stupid enough to still be suprised when i get asked it even at doctors and stuff :D But yeah i get the same looks lol,i somehow manage to blurt out my fall name like its one long fast word lol.

I have been just trying to talk slower recently and that has helped.. its just remembering to do it when you get all the other thoughts bouncing around in your head.


Well-known member
I notice many times I talk to people I don't feel comfortable with with a very low voice (because I don't want to speak too loud for everyone to listen) and a weaker tone and it's like I eat words in a weird way, and then people don't undertand what I say lots of times. Do you have this too?

I think alot of people with SA/SP unconciouslly have this type of voice, myself included. It's because we try not to draw attention to ourselves.

♥ sweet kiss ♥

Active member
oh my, I do both! The reason I speak so low is because I'm afraid of being heard...... I know that sounds silly but I don't want people to hear me. I usually speak better and louder one on one but if it is in a crowd I whisper. I mumble often when I'm stating my opinion because I'm scared of offending someone ugh~ so weak::(:


Well-known member
Omg I thought I was the only one :?

I begin to panic because i imagine that the people behind me are getting annoyed for delaying them, i end up ordering something which i don't really want just to not delay people.


Well-known member
I notice many times I talk to people I don't feel comfortable with with a very low voice (because I don't want to speak too loud for everyone to listen) and a weaker tone and it's like I eat words in a weird way, and then people don't undertand what I say lots of times. Do you have this too?

Totally! I'm the only person I know who does that. Thank you so much, you made my day!


Well-known member
I notice many times I talk to people I don't feel comfortable with with a very low voice (because I don't want to speak too loud for everyone to listen) and a weaker tone and it's like I eat words in a weird way, and then people don't undertand what I say lots of times. Do you have this too?

A lot of times I'll have a big long magnificent speech planned out in my head, but I sadly only end up saying a few words.


Yes, I do. Everyone tells me to speak louder, even though I'm speaking as loud as I possibly can while around them! It's so annoying. Also, I think my voice is hideous and weird-sounding so I don't like to hear it anyways.


Well-known member
I used to mumble a lot. But now a days, while I am still soft spoken at times, I tend to voice myself much much better than I used to. I guess having extremely loud friends has changed this in me over time.


I begin to panic because i imagine that the people behind me are getting annoyed for delaying them, i end up ordering something which i don't really want just to not delay people.
thoughtfulness gone haywire.

when i have to give a presentation i speak too quietly. during one a particularly irritable teacher had to keep telling me to speak up. i thought i was, but he didn't think so.. twas embarrassing::(:


Well-known member
Not exactly, I've got a natural loud voice, I've had my peers several times tell me I speak too loud, so to prevent further comments I try to speak low and almost end up mumbling, the worst part is that I obviously speak too low again. People are never satisfied *sigh* . Oh well^^.


I vehemently deny that i do when called on it. But i guess i do sometimes...That's not to say that others lack of attention and ability to hear/understand what i say to them is any less shaky. All parties are at fault.
I don't mumble, I think, but I talk really quietly. I don't know why, but 'normal voice' is like yelling. Although I think I might be speaking more loudly now...?