Do you like what you see in the mirror?


Well-known member
I too find it hard to deal with the fact that others are staring at me and thinking I'm ugly. Especially women. In high school I was a geek and girls used to poke fun at my looks. I can't seem to rationalise these thoughts and just say to myself "those girls were selfish arseholes, fuck 'em." Instead I took these comments very personally and they follow me around whenever I talk to women these days. I just think that all women find me ugly, not so much other men. Although I do find myself comparing my style and looks with those of other men, wishing I could match their qualities, while believing it is impossible.

Skyla wrote:
theres always someone prettier than you and its hard because you know that if a man, for example, could have someone who looks like beyonce(just an example), rather than you he wud.

There are some shallow men who can just date a woman based solely on her looks, but I couldn't. I have been physically attracted to certain women; but, the minute they spoke they reminded me of Alicia Silverstone in Clueless and my attraction for them slipped away at lightning speed. Looks are nice, but personality is paramount. I'm sure many men would agree. Please don't think that we are all superficial beasts who would drop our amazing girlfriends at the drop of a hat due to an offer from a sexy women. This is simply not true.


Well-known member
SOmedays I know I look good, somedays I feel gross, but I never think those famous airbrushed types are hotter than me! I'm a bighead really


Well-known member
but I AM bitchy am i? its nice 2 feel like people are trying 2 help me. :| thanx 4 the words evry1.


Well-known member
I have often wondered if this is connected to my Sp or something totally different. I have always known i'm not a pretty girl and I suppose through all the bullying and name calling other people confirmed it for me...I hate what I see in the mirror but i'm not sure wether thats because I was told day in day out that I'm ugly or wether its actually true. I know everyone has different opinions of beauty but do you think its connected with the SP or what?

People and kids are can be really cruel. Try to keep in mind that it's not you, it's them. Bullies go after people they think they can easily dominate for whatever the reason. I think the reason you don't find yourself pretty is because they've reinforced that in you so you doubt yourself when you do or you start thinking it all the time. But more chances are that you're beautiful, you might not feel like it because of the SA and teasing but those are childish games and no one thinks like that out in the real world.


Ironically, even some attractive people think they are ugly. Perhaps we should all be banned from assessing our own looks. ;)
I hate that word "ugly" and never use it or consider anyone one "ugly". The mirror is usually not my friend and I mostly try to avoid it but sometimes I just can't help it - I've got to state at myself (in a critical way). I realize that maybe what I see in the mirror isn't true because many people consider me attractive, however, I see something different. I'm really hard on myself. I was bullied too and think it had a lot to do with what I think of myself... many other issues have something to do with it, also. Sometimes I like what I see, sometimes I don't - I'm always confused.
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Sometimes i do. I think Im pretty but from the lack of male attention i guess im not. Well i usually fend of people anyways with SA but idk, it depends.