Do you like what you see in the mirror?


Well-known member
At home, when I look in a mirror I just see ME, the physical and "mental"(take that as u like :lol: ) I've grown up as a visible minority and to some degree i've accepted that looking different than others isnt that big of a detail. And in my better moods I think I look fairly decent. But still, when I'm getting ready to face the outside world I become supersensitive to every aspect of my appearence. I mostly hate my hair(sometimes-damn bad hair days) and my clothes. They always seem to just be a little off. I sometimes change 3 or 4 times.
So I guess I like the way I look to myself but not to others. Yeah that pretty much describes me. One big contradiction.



Well-known member
lonesomeboy said:
i hate the way i look. i know iam ugly and i've never been told otherwise.

John what are you fucking kidding me - i have seen your photo and no you damn well aint my friend. Jesus!!! Hey look i know what it is to feel that way though....fucking people :evil: But my god man - NO YOU ARE NOT!!!


Well-known member
SaharaWorld said:
Horatio said:
I dont look at mirrors

I hated my looks when I was a teenager which did affect my SP because it made me want to hide myself and not go out. I've recently looked at the SP photo album and could not believe it!! There are so many beautiful looking people on this forum - and not to mention incredibly brave for putting up a pic of themselves. Which does make me think 'they're not only beautiful on the inside, but on the outside too, how on earth can they have SP!?'

I agree... the SP photo album does kind of look like a cross between Miss Universe pageant and a Bachelor of the year competition


Well-known member
chav said:
redlady said:
lonesomeboy said:
i hate the way i look. i know iam ugly and i've never been told otherwise.

John what are you fucking kidding me - i have seen your photo and no you damn well aint my friend. Jesus!!! Hey look i know what it is to feel that way though....fucking people :evil: But my god man - NO YOU ARE NOT!!!

i seriously dont get whether ur sayin he's ugly or not? :?: :?: :?:

But anyway some days i like wot i c in da mirror some days i dont. But i say to myself"ive seen much uglier people than me", and mi mum always catches boys lookin at me, so bein complimented is the best way to boost ur self esteem.

Ummm... i don't see how you couldn't have gotten me..i thought i made myself clear. He said he thought he was ugly and i replied 'no you damn well aint......' and so on - if i thought he was ugly i would have agreed and said yes you are. Now just for the record HE IS NOT UGLY - NO WAY NO HOW IS THAT MAN UGLY - ON THE CONTRARY - WHICH MEANS HE IS HANDSOME.


Well-known member
Like RED would say any one is ugly anyway! Altho I heard she does bitch about me when i'm not around...


Well-known member
Hey who told you that - it's not true i don't bitch about you and if i do it aint bitching it's highly complimentary commentary of your lovely nature - honest!!


Well-known member
I blame McShy, hes a shit stirer! But don't we love that stirring! :)
As if u could be bitchy RED! pah


Well-known member
The last time i said anything really yucky in the way of bitching was in 7th grade - i told my friend that this other girl of course just after i said it that other girl came walking up to us and my friend yelled out what i had just told her - i sat there and denied it of course and when she asked me about it later i lied again......never again. Anyway..........McShy is such a tease.


Well-known member
When I look in the mirror I like what I see, I look like every normal people and I do sport to maintain my physical condition.

I like my smile too, too bad I am so shy to use it when I want too, it is just so damn hard to look in someones eyes and smile, I'm talking about opposite sex here, cause this is the situation when your looks and charm do count.

But what good if your face inspies fear and you can't express anything. Many girls told me they like my eyes, and many that I didn't knew smiled at me when I looked at them, it's sure they like me and I feel such a looser because I don't find the guts to do the same, I just look in another direction as a reflex and they lose interest.

Or if they don't and come to talk to me I just freek out and begin to feel so scared and my mind just goes blank and don't know how to cary on the conversation...the more beautifull they are the more I get scared although I know there is no reason to do this. So I miss a lot of ocasions.

But I think that people, especially girls look more for strong personality and attitude, character and stuff like that...not necesarily looks, and shy people seem not to have that....well that thing are a part of me somehow, and I know that because alcohol showed me those qualities exist.

I look in the mirror sometimes and I make a lot of expressive faces...just wish I was able to use them in real life, but when fear takes control I just looked scared or indifferent so that the others think i'm not interested in them.

I see really UGLY people getting around, taking chances and succeding because they have character and big mouths, thinking about how does a pretty face help you when you can't go there and say what you have to say, and when you do decide to overcome SP it just fights back and ruins it all...

For girls being beautiful really helps, but for boys attitude is the one that counts the most.

I looked through the photo album and some girls are quite atracttive, like lil' ol' me, shok999, Penelope48, prettybutrouge, Fredscarecrow and the list continues.


Well-known member
erm, generally i dont think im ugly. however what it comes down to is what OTHERS think.
i think im pretty but not as pretty as others. i never feel good enough. theres always someone prettier than you and its hard because you know that if a man, for example, could have someone who looks like beyonce(just an example), rather than you he wud.
i want to be considerd number one rather than second best, even though people say you may be number 2 in someones eyes, but number one in anothers.

i hate when i have "bad hair" days or just days when you dont look good It reminds me of seconday skool where i know people didnt really see me as attractive and i got no boy attention. i always freak out someone from my old skool will see me when im having those bad days and assume thats how i look everyday and nothing has changed since skool.


Well-known member
no :roll: :| i have a short temper. im sorry but im not sorry coz she was bein nasty 2 me :(


Well-known member
i guess i'm ok with the way i look. there are things that i would change if i could, probably like most people. i have sad eyes tho and i hate that. i can do my hair, makeup and dress nice, but i still can see everything i'm feeling behind that.

when i was younger a family friend told me that he could tell how i was in a second by my eyes. he said when i was happy they were so bright and twinkled. i know what he means, i notice that too. a few people have told me that i seem like an old soul, something in the eyes. when i look in the mirror sometimes, i notice that 10 mile stare look. it saddens me cuz it reminds me of why.