Do you like what you see in the mirror?


Well-known member
what if you hate yourself, but you have someone tellnig you never to change because they love you so much the way you are?


Well-known member
I already have that Fred, I hate my face and I used to go on and on about cosmetic surgery...can't afford it, would be too afraid if something went wrong anyways but my fianc'e keeps telling me not to change a single thing. He says I'm seeing problems that aren't even there, maybe he's right but ya know how it is, always focusing on the bits we hate.
Righty, from now on i will tell myself how lovely i am to my fianc'e, maybe that will help.


Well-known member
LilMissTragic said:
I already have that Fred, I hate my face and I used to go on and on about cosmetic surgery...can't afford it, would be too afraid if something went wrong anyways but my fianc'e keeps telling me not to change a single thing. He says I'm seeing problems that aren't even there, maybe he's right but ya know how it is, always focusing on the bits we hate.
Righty, from now on i will tell myself how lovely i am to my fianc'e, maybe that will help.
mmm my bf would go on for hours about how amazing and gorgeous i am if i let him, but it doesnt really make me feel any better. sometimes i just agree with him to make him happy. other times i dont and it just ends up with me in tears. i could never have cosmetic surgery, partly cos id be scared people would laugh at me for changing my face. :oops:
maybe ill get used to it as i grow up. i think its just hard partly cos im a teenager, and image is always a big thing then and partly cos of my sp. i had to go to school minus all make up once. cried my eyes out solid for about..3 my bf spent about 20minutes just trying to get me into school cos i wanted to run away cos i couldnt bear people seeing me without my eyeliner and concealer. :oops:


Well-known member
This might seem Conceited but i do like what i see in the mirror. I think everyone should, self cofindence will bring you a long way, im not talking about what other people think. but look in the mirror once in a while and say Damn im sexy! Some people are so worried about what other people think they digs themselves in a hole and then get depressed, all you have to think is one persons junk is another persons treasure You will always be beautiful to someone!
And Miss Tragic, ive seen your pictures and would NEVER say you were ugly!


I don't like what I see in the mirror but I don't totally believe it's because I'm not attractive. I don't feel like I have self-confidence or am important but I don't know why.


Well-known member
LilMissTragic said:
It is true, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just because we dont like the way we look doesn't mean someone else wont.

Yeah you can kinda try and look at the 'problem' differently. Like go and figure out what features are considered attractive in either gender and identify them with yourself. Like for guys jaw line and prominent brow etc, of course if you dont have those it doesn't mean you're suddenly unattractive just not stereotypically attractive.

Like if you have never been told you're attractive and have low self esteem you may well assume and belive you're ugly, when infact you aren't. So if you don't have the esteem to tell your self you are attractive then try taking looking at it from anther angle, like science.

Quite possibly a scientific/literal point of view rather than your interpreted one will show you aren't as unattractive as your brain will have you believe.

Anyway there are attractive qualities in every face. Some people with low self esteem would be quick to miss these and just write themselves off I think. :?

Arg I think I made a hash of what I was trying to convey, pfft it's late here hehe. :wink:


Well-known member
I've always been told I was attractive, but I had bad skin in my teens untill quite recently so I could never see past the acne and was extremley self concious about it. It was all I thought about and was sure everyone else saw it aswell and therefore hid away as much as possible. I also always hated people taking photos of me, or seeing them. And the sound of my voice on tape too. I know now my acne is directly linked to stress from my sp, and find as long as I stay home every night I get clear skin, but one night out and the next morning I ALWAYS have a pimple or two, then the vicious cycle of obbessing about it makes it worse and the I don't want to go out.


Well-known member
When I look in the mirror I see the most unattractive, ugly monster on the whole planet. I can't find any features that I like, let alone anyone else would like.

I hate my voice too.

I've been told I don't look that bad but I won't believe a word of it.


Active member
My friends at school (before I quit last september) always went on about how cute I was, and one of the girls was actually in love with me and kept asking me to be bisexual for her LOL...but I still think I'm the ugliest of the ugly. Even if people compliment me, I just think "They're just saying that to make me feel better".


Active member
Tris it's not conceited to not think your ugly. For me it depends on how I'm feeling. Most of the time I feel like crap, so that's how I see myself.


Well-known member
I have my good and bad days when it comes to the way i look. Sometimes i have to really concentrate at the image in front of me and look at it as it appears to me - i don't know, i see the shit beneath rather than my actual reflection - it's weird. Sometimes i catch my reflection in a window or mirror especially when i am out and this horrible feeling will overcome me - before i have even had a chance to really look at myself...i know it has nothing to do with the way i actually look but is everything to do with the way i feel about myself. On a rational level i know that i am attractive not only can i discern that for myself - but i have been told this by a lot of people - i just need to get it into my thick fucking subconscious.


Well-known member
Horatio said:
I dont look at mirrors

I hated my looks when I was a teenager which did affect my SP because it made me want to hide myself and not go out. I've recently looked at the SP photo album and could not believe it!! There are so many beautiful looking people on this forum - and not to mention incredibly brave for putting up a pic of themselves. Which does make me think 'they're not only beautiful on the inside, but on the outside too, how on earth can they have SP!?'


Well-known member
I don't hate my looks anymore. I like my face, my clothes are nice and feminine and people tend to make fun of me because I have a small build and look younger than my age - but this doesn't bother me, I find it funny.

One thing that frustrates me sometimes is my curly hair - I usually put it back in a ponytail because its difficult to manage. I'm sure I can get it to look lovely with the right products/right style - but I never know what to do or how to apply these creams - even when it comes to make up - I rarely wear the stuff and when I do, don't wear much at all.

I am not very girlie in this respect!