Do you involuntarily say insulting things to people mentally without your choice?


Well-known member
I'm curious if anyone else has the same intrusive-thought problem as me...
When i'm anixous i usually say involuntarily negative things to people without my choice. I don't say them out loud, they all happen in my head. For example, the other day there was couple and i said in my head "why are you with that guy he's so beta", sometimes when guys are walking by me i would involuntarily say in my head "what's up b*tch".

I've read small reports of other people problem with this and majority of them said they have a problem with thinking people can read their mind. I have this mind-reading problem too. I'm curious with people with these intrusive thoughts, do you guys fear people can read your mind?

For better description, here are other peoples reports:
1. Mental Tourettes syndrome? - Straight Dope Message Board


Well-known member
I have a soap operas and court dramas going on in my head all the time. And I do say things out load all the time.


Pirate from the North Pole
I have these kind of thoughts all the time and I never really worried about it, except maybe wonder if I'm too judgmental. And I've thought things a million time worst than your 2 examples, trust me. :p


Well-known member
I have these kind of thoughts all the time and I never really worried about it, except maybe wonder if I'm too judgmental. And I've thought things a million time worst than your 2 examples, trust me. :p

Do consistently feel people can read your mind? I that's probably one reason why it's not hard on you, or you probably have a strong rational mind.


Well-known member
In the past I have actually said offensive things or spoken in an offensive tone when someone was getting too close. This is obviously an SA thing. In my case I am unaware of it until after it has happened. Presumably the subconscious has taken over.