Do you have a sibling(s) who is as outgoing as you are shy?


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I have a younger sister and brother who are both outgoing, great at socialising and seem to know the whole world. I've always been the quiet, shy and sensible one and I got sick of people making comments about it over the years. This is how I am, accept it!


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All my family are really outgoing and I seem to be the outcast. The one who can't seem to talk and have relationships with anyone.


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Well I only have one brother,he is worse than me,but my cousins are just perfect lots of friends,from both sides of my family,some are just so beautiful/good looking that I just feel like I am ugly when I am around them.


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Sadly, yes. I have one sibling - an older sister. She's about eight years older than I am, but acts extremely immature at times. However, she is definitely "Miss Popularity". She knows that due to my panic attacks and everything else, it's very difficult for me to get a job. I lack social skills and I'm just very awkward. Not to mention having panic attacks daily at a job would most likely get me fired.

Anyway, she likes to brag about how she's graduated high school (which I didn't), has gone to college (even though she dropped out of that), is getting a very well-paying job soon. Blah blah. She has tons of friends and even though she's a back-stabbing liar, her friends all admire and adore her to no end. I'll never understand it, but she knows just what to say to make me feel like shit about myself. She likes to throw her "success" in my face. And in the face of others that aren't as wonderful as she thinks she is.

Wow, this is long. Haha.


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Oh God, my older sister and I are complete opposites! She has a husband and kids, I don't. She's dated, I haven't. She isn't shy, I am. She wears contacts, I wear glasses. She likes things such as carnivals and camping, while I like stuff done indoors (for the most part). She dropped out of high school, I went straight through. . .

There just doesn't seem to be anything we have in common. O___o


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I have a younger sister and I think she is one of the loudest, most obnoxious people I have ever met and she has tons of friends and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She too young to date yet, but when she's older I'm sure she'll have tons of boys.

I am a tad jealous, but I also think that people would hate me if I acted like that.
My sister is the completely opposite of me. I envy her alot, her good looks, job, popularity, confidence. Shes everything i want to be. I get so depressed seeing her enjoying life to the fullest.
My sister is the completely opposite of me. I envy her alot, her good looks, job, popularity, confidence. Shes everything i want to be. I get so depressed seeing her enjoying life to the fullest.

Ditto. Except for the good looks. She is as outgoing/confident in all social situations as I would give anything to be:(


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I have a sister who is great. she does it all. i remember back in her high school days she was managing a restaurant then she got perfect marks in her art course and then became more succesful and was running her own business by her mid 20's and is earning a crap load doing what she loves. she's travelled everywhere. she's living her dream.
only issue i've had which is nothing to do with her is how my family and parents always use her as a template of success around me. i'll often get the:
"why cant you be more like her" comments.

I've noticed that my sister like my dad doesnt seem to have a self consciounce and both share this very arrogant persistant ego. they are driven from within and nothing else really matters or gets in the way. everything seems to go there way. i'd really like to know their secret. i've even asked my sister a few times how she's done it and she just laughs it off and doesnt give a serious response. so it could be blinding luck of following a dream or a plan sub-consciously and it all worked out. i dont know.
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My older brother is the exact opposite of SA. I don't envy him or want to be like him though. He seems too extreme at times. It seems sometimes he could not function without being as social as possible. It's would probably be as hard for him to be like me as it is for me to be like him.


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my older sister is 24, super out-going, almost never home, have a lot of friends and a bf, but for some reason i don't envy her