Do you have a good 'attitude'' ?

Hey ,

Because I have a low self esteem, I show a really weak attitude.
Scared, and stuff.
Do you guys also have this problem?


Well-known member
i have good days bad days .... even on a bad day i come on here try to cheer people up with my silly scence of humor :) i try to amuse lol ....


Super Moderator
It depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes I'm bad, sometimes I'm more rational, sometimes I'm a coward... It depends. I would say why, but I'm not too open about it yet, plus i wouldn't know how to explain it without sounding like a psycho.


Well-known member
I'm mild mannered and treat everyone with respect but i am also lazy most of the time through fatigue from worrying.


Well-known member
Most of the time I would have to answer yes, but of course I'm not perfect. It is so difficult to maintain a good attitude sometimes when we are suffering so bad from social anxiety that we would rather not experience!

It's just the way that life works, unfortunately. However, you'll find that your attitude will continue to get better as you learn to manage your anxiety and grow past it.
I thought I did, I mean I can stand up for myself and stuff, but not always.. and im sometimes so depressed that i cant hide it..or nervous..