As a kid, I wasn't really outgoing but my mom used to bring me to parties and other social events and I felt no anxiety at all, some people even made compliments about how well I greeted everyone.
But at the age of 10 things started to change and by the age of 12 I was extremely shy.
I remember being with my mom and she would tell me I did a good job after a good conversation, but it just pissed me off. Even though I appreciated the compliment, sometimes it was right in front of the person if we were at a bank or something. Eventually she learned, but any ways, it seems like your experience was different of course, maybe you liked the compliments.
I guess I didn't get to experience my whole life as being shy, but I think I'm glad I at least had half a life with being outgoing. 9 years from now and beneath the past I have been going through SA, and I never saw it coming at all. Sorry to hear it's been with you most of your life.
Maybe I haven't explained myself properly because of the language barrier but those compliments weren't patronising or condescending, people used to compare my social skills with those of other kids in a positive way, something like "you're very mature, my son can't give a firm handshake and look people in the eyes".:thumbup:
I actually find your case surprising since most SA sufferers have had it since an early age, usually in their early teens like me.