do you find you get sick easily?


Well-known member
I don't know about you, but I find that since I'm always so anxious and stressed out, it effects my immune system and I get sick from like nothing. I know that stress can effect your body on a number of different levels. But if there's a sudden drop in temperature or one of my friends get sick, I always catch it. I even stock up on vitamins and all to try to stop it, but nothing works. I was just wondering if any of you get the same reaction?


Well-known member
Yeah, I tend to get sick when I'm especially stressed out. I always got sick during exams because I was burnt out and severely lacking sleep. But then I had so much work to do that it was hard to just take time to rest and so I wouldn't get better and I wasn't very productive studying either.::(:


Well-known member
Mmm... which kind of sickness? Colds and similar, or more related to pains like stomachaches and such? If you are overall healthy, a very continued stress situation can make your liver unhappy, and this uses to be related to problems with your digestive system.

A whole another history is when the body immune system itself is weak and you tend to catch lots of colds, and although this is more of a hereditary propensity, can have a little bit to do with SA, specially if you are (like me) of the type that tend to avoid getting out and breathe pure air and challenge your immune system a bit more.


Well-known member
Hmm... I must be very weird because I almost NEVER get sick at all (in a way, it's kind of annoying, because sometimes I actually WANT to be sick. I know that sounds weird but it's more just so people won't treat me like crap at that time and I can actually get the amount of rest that I want rather than have to get up at a certain time.)

I mean, as far as me getting sick, I normally only get sick once a year IF that! I think the last time I was actually ill was like 3 years ago with the stomach flu. It only lasted for two days.

But just because I don't have any actual illnesses doesn't mean my body in not uncomfortable at times. Like, I have developed a bad intolerance for grease now so I can't really eat foods like hotdogs any more. Certain foods like delivery pizza (I can eat the frozen ones with no issue) and spaghetti I can only have a little bit otherwise I have BAD stomach cramps.

Not to mention that it seems that whenever I eat anything now, I have acid reflux in my throat that makes me think I'm gonna throw up but I don't... Very annoying. -_-;