Do you feel alot younger than you are at times?


I can't believe what I'm reading on this topic - this is exactly how I've felt since the age of fourteen. Thanks for bringing this up.

I'm 24 now and I don't feel that much different in my attitudes and emotions from when I was around 14.

It probably doesn't help if you find yourself 'running back to the nest' as I have had to since finishing uni, but to be honest, life beyond teenage years sucks arse and it can only be a good thing to keep hold of your adolescence in spirit.

I still feel just as rebellious, moody, and pleasure-seeking as that age and I would rather die than let it go.

The only thing that really brings me closer to my schooldays though is getting drunk and stoned!!..... every day!!!!! (Just kidding)


Well-known member
I get this feeling too sometimes. It can certainly be hard acting like an adult when you don't feel like one at all. In those situations I have to constantly remind myself that even though I feel like a child, I still look and behave much like a 19-year-old would. Consequently, I feel like I suddenly have the social status of someone much older than me. That rocks! :D


Well-known member
You know this one : Growing older is obligational, but growing up isnt.

So, maybe ill be like this all my life, u cant wear a mask for a long time.
and You would be more anxious.


I'm a 24 year old "woman" but I too feel as if I'm stuck as a 14 year old kid. I feel most comfortable wearing "teenage" style clothes e.g hoodies, baggy jeans, trainers etc. I can't wear formal clothes or clothes that show of my figure - I fear drawing unwanted attention towards myself. Anyone else find this?


Well-known member
wow i'm glad someone bumped this post up. i totally relate with the original poster & most of the following comments. it's like my communicational/emotional growth was stunted at a particular age. what age i'm not sure... 5, 7, 10? i feel like a shy/frightened little kid who wants to hide behind their mom's pantleg all the time. a lot of my interests and things i do are childlike. this would qualify as retarded at my age in this dog eat dog world.


Yeah I can totally relate to feeling younger. I am 28 with two children but people at work say i look younger (which isn't too bad :D ) but I always feel immature around other mums. I always thought as I got older oneday everything would just click into place and I would feel mature and act my age. I suppose it is natural to feel younger when you still experience emotions you had as a teenager, getting embarassed easily etc.

A woman in a supermarket today lectured me for leaving some stuff in a basket and I went ten shades of red and mumbled something to her, I mean that isn't how a nearly 30 yr old mum reacts!
It does have some positives though, when I am with close friends I can have a laugh and be as stupid as I like without worrying about being judged.


New member
man i really cant believe this thread/forum... its like my whole "world" is being written out by somebody else.. i say my "world" meaning what goes on inside my head.
i feel exactly the same as the original poster and many others on this thread.. im 26yr old male. i feel like im still a kid. i even once had the bizarre thought that my parents had lied about when i was born! i look quite young too. i dont drink or smoke so i kinda put that down to my youthful looks/skin.
when i see my cousins or my younger brothers friends with their girlfriends.. i think wow shes hot! why cant i get someone like that..? or live out my life like that and these people im jealous of are like 5 or 6 years younger than me!
i often think i need to grow up but i just cant seem to act like i should.. i dont run around like a child or do stupid things i just dont feel im old enough to have a relationship or feel like someone would want a relationship with someone like me. someone that acts like an adult.. going out to bars, buying a romantic meal, etc etc..
im 26 and never had a girlfriend.. no one.. not even a kiss off a girl! i just dont feel conftable acting like a grown up.
i have OCD too. i went onto wikipedia earlier and looked it up. ive always known ive had OCD but never knew i was such a "perfect example"..
parts that say
Symptoms may include some, all, or perhaps none of the following:
Repeated hand washing. YES! at present
Specific counting systems YES! (when i was younger)
Perfectly aligning objects YES! (at same time as the counting rubbish)
Having to "cancel out" bad thoughts with good thoughts YES!
Sexual obsessions or unwanted sexual thoughts. examples are fear of being homosexual.. YES! im not gay but i keep thinking maybe i am.. but i dont find men attractive at all.. i look to test myself but no.. when i see girls its plainly obvious to me which side of the sexes i find attractive. but i continue to test myself "just incase".
A fear of contamination YES! at present
A need for both sides of the body to feel even. YES! when i was younger.

i also had the turning off the switches problem too. when they had to turn off "just right" before i was ok with them. the last time i did this it took me 1hour to turn a plug off. this was when i was 16 and vowed never to do it again. BUT for the past 7 years ive been having to wash my hands regularly and not allowing myself or others that havent washed their hands to touch my hair or certain belongings of mine. like musical instruments (im a musician) or my pc.

it feels so good to type this stuff. its only ever been in my head. ive never told a sole before. recently ive started to feel the need to put an end to it all as its holding back my life. i quit work 3 years ago because i felt i could become the pro musician i always wanted to be but after a few months i found it difficult to leave the house without feeling stressed to the max. so ive now gone back to my job to get out and meet people. (i only spoke to 5 different people in 3 years). ive also come to the conclusion what my main problem in life is. that i need to be in control of my situation. my life.. whats hapening in the room.. i cant get into a relationship incase she says lets do this or go there.. how can i?? go to a bar.. what if soneone starts talking to me or wants a fight for no reason (alcohol related..)?? i stay indoors because i fel safe and secure and because i can control what goes on in my room. whats said whats not said etc.. im trying but its hard. i recently did something ive never done before just to help myself get out of this situation.. i danced at a wedding! never have i danced outside of my room.. i just felt i had to try and break a cycle or being insecure and self conscience and i loved it!...
ive got plenty of other things to talk about but im sure your bored with my ramblings.
hoping!!! someone else can relate to this/me??


Active member
I'm told I act very mature for my age. Though I actually feel like I'm around 8. Also, I relate with people around that age rather well, despite my SA, probably because I know they mostly look up to me, just because I'm older than them two-fold. :p


Well-known member
Yeah I feel this way too. I am 24 but feel much younger. Often times I feel thrusted into adult situations, adult conversations and feel like a little kid who has to pretend to be an adult because of my physical age.

And I also relate to being talked over in groups whenever I open my mouth. Like no one listens when I speak, they just speak louder to be heard over me, the white noise.


I feel mixed on this topic. In some ways, I actually feel more mature than the people around me, but in other ways, I feel like I'm way behind. At 21 I'm just now overcoming my fear of highway driving, and socially I'm so inexperienced I feel naive. So basically when it comes to growing into an independent adult, my anxiety has held me back in a lot of ways. At the same time, though, I feel like I've matured more emotionally because of dealing with depression and isolation and at least overcoming the former. I also feel a little less shallow and impulsive than some of my peers.


Well-known member
DelGreco said:
I feel mixed on this topic. In some ways, I actually feel more mature than the people around me, but in other ways, I feel like I'm way behind. At 21 I'm just now overcoming my fear of highway driving, and socially I'm so inexperienced I feel naive. So basically when it comes to growing into an independent adult, my anxiety has held me back in a lot of ways. At the same time, though, I feel like I've matured more emotionally because of dealing with depression and isolation and at least overcoming the former. I also feel a little less shallow and impulsive than some of my peers.

You make a good point. I definately feel more mature in ways too beyond my age. I certainly believe I am far less shallow, and much more open minded then alot of people my age that I know. I feel SA really gives us a perspective on things, allows us to watch and take note of the workings of people in social situations. I feel I see through people in social situations and see how they're thinking and why they do things they do. I feel more mature in that sense. Probably why alot of people with SA go into psychology.


New member

I have only just joined this site today, letting my usually overbearingly sceptical side sleep for a second, and after reading this thread I am so glad that I did. This topic has cut right to the heart of my most hidden thoughts about my anxieties, hidden due to the fact I thought this might be the edge of insanity. I am so relieved (as selfish as that sounds) that there are so many others with the exact same thoughts.

For all of my adult life I have felt like there are large parts of me still stuck at the awkward early teenage years or even younger. I am 27 now and over the years I have been fortunate enough to have some good friends, mostly very confident souls, who I have hidden behind in many ways. Just as many of you have described I feel that in many situations I cannot express adult opinions or more recently I am beginning to think even my thoughts are child-like. Thinking about thinking about thinking being a big 'hobby' of mine. I work with mostly older women who are quite maternal over me, confirming that I must give out a childlike vibe, which is great at times as the 'fall-guy' doesn't happen too much but then at others just adds to my feeling of inadequacy. I'm a young man basically leaning on women in their 40's and 50's which reading this back makes me feel a bit sick. I used to do exactly the same in my social life only having become more aware of this subconscious tactic I find I am now avoiding even more and am being more guarded amongst good friends. Hopefully, this is not a trend that will continue.

This is the first post I have written on this site and already the tension in my shoulders is releasing slightly so for better or worse it looks like it will be the first of many. So for anyone still reading I look forward to gaining and giving strength by sharing our experiences.


Well-known member
Blimey. I was just thinking of starting a thread about this. I feel exactly the same way as as you 8O

I'm 20. I feel like a kid too :(

When I go to work I feel like I'm at college and have taken a wrong turn into the staff room. I work with people who aren't much older than me - my boss is only 22 - and I 'should' be the same as them. But I'm not. I wish it was all just an inferiority complex.


Well-known member
Actually I think I kinda feel younger and older at the same time. Like I feel older, I suppose more mature than a lot of people around my age. But also I think I am quite naive in some ways and can't easily move on from the past when I was a child.


Well-known member
DelGreco said:
I feel mixed on this topic. In some ways, I actually feel more mature than the people around me, but in other ways, I feel like I'm way behind. At 21 I'm just now overcoming my fear of highway driving, and socially I'm so inexperienced I feel naive. So basically when it comes to growing into an independent adult, my anxiety has held me back in a lot of ways. At the same time, though, I feel like I've matured more emotionally because of dealing with depression and isolation and at least overcoming the former. I also feel a little less shallow and impulsive than some of my peers.

Actually, you put it better :D


Well-known member
Same here. One of the few things do I like about myself is that I'm very open minded and tolerant, in my head anyway. It's probably a common thing with SA, as people have said in other threads. And I would never, ever take the pee out of someone, it just doesn't compute. Shame I can't express it because I don't talk to anyone.


Well-known member
i always believe that people are good , like i m trying to cheat myself.
call it naivity


New member
Please Help

I feel the exact same way. I'm 21 years old and still don't have my license. I don't feel like I'm old enough to drive. And now my boy friend (whos in the army) wants me to move in with him and I really want to... but I still call my mother for permission to go out to a movie...

Does anyone know anyway of overcoming this? I'd really like to start my life now.


New member
i feel the same, am 20 in a month an a still feel like a child, like am 16. but a dont look 19 at all lol. :(


Well-known member
yeah same as me! I'm 20 in December but I look and feel like 13 :? Well I suppose sometimes it has good points like getting half price bus tickets lol :wink: