Do you feel alot younger than you are at times?


Well-known member
den1 said:
I always feel the need to act alot more "street" than I actually am, as a sort of defence, people often joke about me being dodgey or up to no good because of my accent (manchester) and this way I act around people I find threatening.
I was like that too when I was in my teens and 20's. I spent much of my teen years around street people, and that has stayed with me to some extent. In the past I have appeared dodgy to others with my Glaswegian growl, and sometimes hostile appearance. It becomes a defence mechanism as if people see you as a wee bit menacing, they are less likely to take advantage, and more likely to move on to easier targets.

den1 said:
This just results me feeling like I've sold my soul and no-one gets to know the "real" me but at the same time I do not know how to orchestrate the "real me" in public.
I know what you mean. I don't act as street like any more, but tend to keep a silent stony appearence in a world full of predators, it is sometimes better to appear unapproachable.