Do you ever wish you were someone else?


Well-known member
i wish i was someone people loved and wanted to be around. i real man who knows how to fix stuff and knows the right thing to say all the time. being me isn't all that great.


I want to find a way to visit myself when I get to age 80, and meet me when I was 8, and give thorough life advice


Well-known member
i think eckart tolle has the most fulfilled life of all, so maybe i would like to be him.
im fascinated by his experience sitting on a park bench for years.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
I wish I was the most average guy in the world. Having the same interests, values and opinions than the majority so I would be accepted by this society.


Well-known member
Not really. I just want people to treat me with respect and appreciate who I am. I have no degree, nor do I have a killer body. But I have a job and work extremely hard. I'm not expecting people to worship me, just want some recognition...


Well-known member
The flower said, "I wish I was a tree,"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree,
The cat wished that it was a bee,
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky,
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea.

And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it.


Well-known member
All the time. I daydream quite a lot about being someone else, especially being a celebrity that I like.