Do you ever feel depressed for no reason

Yeah sometimes when I wake up in the morning or even sometimes when I'm around people I start to feel really sad and I don't really know why. I'll just feel really down and be standoffish and its not for any reason specifically and I'll just feel like that for a little while.

Has that happened to any of you?


Well-known member
I'm always worst in the morning. When i wake up and feel ****ty and depressed like that, i FORCE myself, very forcefully, can't stress the force enough here(my body absolutely hates the thought of doing anything in this state) to go and do ANYTHING. As the day goes on, my depression usually lifts, and my self confidence builds inside me.

Usually when i'm alone with my thoughts too much, i get into a depressed, anxious, BAD mood.


Well-known member
I think every time I get depressed it's for a reson even if I don't now exactly the reason I think think there is one even if I am not aware of it.


For me its in the evenings, when I'm in my room. I can just be watching a movie or playing a game or something, then suddenly its like a wave of depression hits me. Its really horrible. I think its because this is the time when I'm most alone. Then when I'm trying to get to sleep, I think thats the worst time, when I'm alone with my thoughts, thinking about how lonely I am and how I'll probably always be alone (although I hope this isnt true).

I guess that is the reason I get depressed actually. Loneliness.
I can be fairly depressed for ages and not know it, usually winter, then I come out of it and realise that I was.