Do you ever actually enjoy socialising?

The Nephilim

Well-known member
I do enjoy socializing every now and then, if I walk away knowing that it went well. Most of the time though, it's traumatizing because I go over everything i've said and done, and mull over silly things that might have given people the wrong impression. It's usually when I feel comfortable and let my guard down that I end up ruining it by giving to much away and regretting it after....sigh. Then I worry like crazy about what they thought of me. I haven't actually been diagnosed with SA, but I experience so many things like this that I'm adamant I must have it.


Well-known member
98% of the time, yes, I really do enjoy socialising. What I don't enjoy is the anticipation anxiety beforehand, which can last even upto weeks. I'll get problems sleeping, eating and as the event gets closer, seriously stressed out. I still experience these problems to this degree, but can deal with the symptoms and the anxiety a little better now.


NOooooooooooo im nervous days before a social gathering, even more when it happens ahaha nightmare i cant sleep and feel physically ill with fear. Need a miracle drug which can fix this crap.


With a select few yes I do enjoy it. All other times it's really taxing on me.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Yes I do! But I usually **** bricks on the days leading up to the event, and get myself in a right state of panic, to the point where I feel like running away to some distant city and locking myself in a room where nobody can find me.


I love socializing with people, the only problem is the build up and me thinking about how I should be or what people are going to expect from me that brings out the anxiety attacks but its a lot easier once I get past this.


Well-known member
Glad to hear it went so well! Sounds like a great time.

And yeah, there have been a couple times where I have gone out with a few people after work, like recently it was for someone's going away party and also for my work group's little Christmas part, and I have just had a really great time. Just sitting around having a few beers and having a laugh! It can be quite fun.


Active member
I hardly ever enjoy it, but perhaps this is a result of me avoiding people for such a long time. It might get slightly easier as it's done more often.


Well-known member
it all depends on the people you're with. I ve just been on holiday with some old friends and ive had the time of my life. I have spent 2 weeks constantly being around other people with no personal space and its been brlliant.Ive been able to be myself and totally relax. Ive actually been talkative and funny which is an aspect of my personality I rarely get to show but my friends are really caring, non-judgemental and chilled people.

Now im going back to work where i am the quiet silent one everyone avoids. The people I work with are very judgemental, loud arrogant and the sort of people who take pleasure in putting you down. They cause my social anxiety to soar and I feel im never able to be myself around them. This makes me avoid office parties and other social gatherings because its more relaxing and less humiliating to be by myself.

I thought I was happiest being alone but now im deppressed to be back in this lifestyle.

If I had a choice I would just ditch the people who make me feel bad and just find some people who are nice because socialising is great but only if the people your with are aswell.


Active member
Yes, I love socializing most of the time, I just get anxious all the time about it... :( and then after I have to think if that went well or not, etc., etc. Kind of obsessive but eh. :p


Well-known member
Yes I do enjoy socializing in certain situations. Usually if I know someone and am comfortable around that person. I don't like meeting people it's just hard.


Well-known member
Rarely anymore. By the time i get through all the douchebags, phonies, and fakes and get to the genuine, easy-going people i'm socially and mentally exhausted. So I guess it depends who I end up mingling with first.


Active member
Most of the social events I attended where more like chores than fun. I remember on the nights I went out being in my car and hopeing it would be the night I met a woman who I could start a relationship with. I always ended up drinking too much to knock back my SA.

It was not until I started living a clean and sober life that I finally found someone and got married.