Do you defend other shy people?


Well-known member
All the time. Especially knowing that they could have SA, or something else that interferes with their life.


Now I do. I've had anxiety my whole life but I was never aware that these physiological feelings were anxiety until now because my generalized anxiety was always rather mild. I can admit to being asshole but I can say that I don't view people the same way anymore. I now question "why" somebody is the way they are or why they act they way they do before judging them. Before my anxiety got bad I was totally ignorant about mental conditions/disorders and how much they can limit people's lives. You just don't understand other people's struggle until you are faced with the same or similar struggle. I would say that I also view drug addicts,alcoholics and chronically homeless very differently now. I would bet that many if not the slight majority of these people are caring the same internal burden that we all carry...maybe just to a greater degree.


Well-known member
I have lots of sympathy for people who are shy, so does the rest of my family though. My mom is really shy too. My hubby's not, but he understands since I am shy because of my stuttering.


Well-known member
I find myself defending people. Especially those who get talked bad/gossiped about demonized etc...I know what that feels like so I can't help but speak up.

I do that. But I've never gotten physical defending someone though I have never been in that situation


Well-known member
Well one of my friends saw the infj videos on youtube and said they were boring, so I defended them. I knew it wasn't personal, but I just thought fellow infjs were nice and genuine, they would probably be interesting people if you got to know them.

I didn't know anyone else at school who got picked on for being shy but I have stood up to bullies before who were making fun of emotional sensitivity. I'd rather try to comfort the person privately but most of the time I am involved.