I guess everyone mean't well but the responds was how the disorder effects them so you didn't get a generic answer but personal feelings.
Yes with out a doubt these personal feeling didn't bring you any closer to a answer which is wrong as we are all looking for answers from people who understand.
I found this amazing after years of "why am I like this" It may or may not help but it has the traits of Avpd (sorry about the V)
Avoidant personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kind regards Darryl
I've always felt that I was far more avoidant than socially anxious, and in my eyes there's a clear difference. Basically, I function okay, I can do everything a normal person can, but grudgingly. I don't feel debilitating fear when around others, and I don't have physical symptoms such as blushing or shaking. I do however experience an awkward, uncomfortable sensation around other people, and a burning desire to get away and be by myself. I hate scrutiny, socializing with strangers, and the feeling of being judged/weighed up in any form or way. I'm fine with family, I'm fine with say, going on vacation, but I'd feel horrible in a regular workplace, for example. I also have zero real-life friends (by my own choice).
So my main problem as far as I can tell, is that I never actually want to get involved in the outside world. I do go out pretty much daily, but if I do, it's because I either have to, or because I feel that it's detrimental to my overall health if I don't. I often dread having to go out to do something long in advance, and the anticipation of having to fulfill an obligation outside of the house can really stress me out. I do as much as I can by myself; I work from home/online, I work out at home, I even cut my own hair.
I read once that people with AvPD feel inferior to others, but the thing is, I don't. In fact, I'm often guilty of feeling that other people are incompetent. Many times my desire to do something alone stems from a feeling of "I know that if I do it, I'll do a good job". I only seem to trust myself to get it right.
So that's just a little insight from someone who feels avoidant but not terribly socially anxious (although I do believe there is at least a little overlap).
Aristocrat..Thats why I put converation is one..I find that definition a tad limited. I have AvPD.
I once read this explanation of what true Avoidant Personality Disorder(APD) is on another board. I'm not sure where the guy got it from, but I believe it was actually from some Psychologists book. In other words, he didn't just make it up
People with APD differ from social phobics in that social phobics avoid unpleasant SOCIAL situations.
Whereas, people with APD are likely to avoid or procrastinate on ANY unpleasant situation. It could be something as simple as working out or even doing the dishes. Avoidants also tend to try to avoid even thinking about anything unpleasant, preferring to distract themselves with something that prevents their mind from focussing on unpleasant thoughts.
So, if you have SP and frequently find yourself "keeping busy" with some mundane task like watching TV or playing video games to avoid thinking about your social problems, you have a BIT of APD. If you find yourself distracting with these things just to keep from thinking about your general anxiety, or simple slightly unpleasant things like starting a new project, doing some work/homework, etc, then you have full-blown Avoidant Personality Disorder.
I agree with this definition, as I am CONSTANTLY finding ways to distract myself from life: video games, the internet, booze, Facebook, message boards . I'm definitely a true Avoidant.
I just posted this deep in another thread over on the SP board, but to be honest I don't think most people even read several pages into most threads, so I thought I'd run it by my "fellow avoidants".
Does this definition fit for most of you?