Didn't want to be alone anymore :)

Lately I've been digging into the reasons why I am the way I am, and this thread explains me perfectly (APD). Its never good to hold things inside yourself, so I know I will find some comfort here knowing theres a lot of people who could possibly relate to me if I spill my heart out!

Ive tried for a long time to write something that explains everything in a nut shell... but its impossible. My lifes so complex it would probably turn into a book. Im a chick thats in her early 20s, lives in the town I grew up in, has about 2 close friends I can do most things with, hates being around people for some reason. Ive had social phobia, anxiety, and depression most of my life but now its to the point where its extreme. I might have a bit of borderline personality too. The moods are extreme, and over nothing. Any little thing will set me off into a rage making me want to hurt myself, and then a little while later im laughing and everythings fine. I like to spend a lot of time alone, even though deep down I wish I had company. Im not sure if I have a full sense of who I really am, and Im probably stopping myself from letting my personality show.. its like im scared to let anyone know anything about me. Trust is a big issue too, throughout my life people have f-ed me over.

Facebook and myspace dont exist to me, I cringe at the thought of everyone knowing my life and what im doing, and putting their 2 cents into it. Relationships with people arent great, I tend to look like a "bad friend" or a flake. Im very picky about where i want to work because most places you have to talk to people and thats not something I was ever really good at. Like customers? Yeah no way, Ive done that before anyways, that and waitressing only to find out its the absolute worst job for me. Im very quiet.

I do my laundy at my apartment complex between 12 am and 3 am to avoid other people LOL!!!! I like to go grocery shopping between those hours too, its the best time in the world!

It says people with APD have like a fantasy world, an escape. Well I have that too, and im not going to be too specific because I want to be anonymous. Im a PC online gamer, and that is probably the best escape ever other than drugs. Im known and called by a different name, and im administrator for an awesome community that has alot of members, in the hundred thousands. Its not as good as real friends, but its good for now. It fills the space you know? I spend probably too much time with that.

So its about 3 22 am.. Im going to walmart soon lol, then maybe get some breakfast then crash. I also have the worlds most f-ed up sleeping schedule. I also dont have the greatest relationship with food right now, I love it but since my self image went to crap it makes me feel guilty, so thats a struggle. Im actually starving right now, drinking a Dr Pepper.

There is so much more I want to say, but thats enough for now. I am truely a good person, I wouldnt ever hurt anyone on purpose. I have a really good heart and soul, I just have had a rough life so far and everyday now is a struggle to make it.

Im right there with the rest of you guys. At least we aren't alone here! ::p:

<3 Harley :D


Hello there I feel like I'm talking to a younger version of myself!! Only I was worse. I couldn't even make online friends. I also tend to push away my friends and except for a few I did manage to do so. I have always tried to hide and the whole fantasy world thing I totally relate. I too would rather shop at night and when I lived alone would go do most things like laundry late so as not to run into many ppl. Unfortunately that tends to get you a weird reputation with the neighbors...lol.
I never really cared before but now I have a husband and a son who is 9, and my behavior isn't good for either one of them. So I started getting help through counseling. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to get help. My poor son and husband have had to become semi- hermits to adjust to my lifestyle. I know I don't want the same life for my son so I push him to get involved in things which in turn his dad always gets involved in too. My husband is one of those ppl who are shy but like to be out doing things. Don't ask me how we ended up together but somehow we did...lol. He is an auxiliary police officer in our town, boyscout den leader, assistant baseball coach, etc... there are more but you get the point. I think I sought him out because he almost forces me to deal with my anxiety. Now I haven't always been able to go with him and my son to their functions and activities, not until recently. I still have days and moments where I just don't want to leave home but I mostly force myself to be there for them. I just tell myself that I have to go to support them. I'm able to at least go even if I'm not able to socialize with other ppl.
Okay I'm not sure why I gave u my life story here but I just wanted you to know that I've been there done that and there is hope and help, you just have to want it and find someone who can.


Well-known member
Hey Harley, welcome. I know all too well about not being able to trust people and gaming for escapism... but, drinking a Dr Pepper? ew =D

I hope you'll fit in with all us other lonely people :)


WOW i feel like you are my lost twin or something. You are lucky though you have two close friends.


New member
I'm new here too. I had no idea that there was a definition for someone like me and that there were others out there going throuh similar angst. What a profound discovery and what a blessed relief!

For years and years I've wondered why I was different. How is it that everyone I would meet could be comfortable in social situations? How could they navigate through the kryptonite ocean of humanity dealing with the masks people wear and not drive themselves crazy with worry? How could they have so many "friends" and keep track of who was who and each personality quirk? How could they find the strength to be outgoing and positive?

I've always preferred the company of books to people. Video games provided my fantasy life. I wont play online because it sometimes requires dealing with childish morons. I used to partake in political chat forums but didn't like what it did for my anger. Solitary sports (biking, skiing) was a refuge. I couldn't stand playing softball or basketball. I don't do facebook because the thought of plastering my life online would make me ill.

I'll probably wind up spending the autumn of my life holed up as a recluse with a bevy of cats and spending my days playing some 4X game to death.


Well-known member
Welcome! I'm fairly new to this too--I think you are the first person I have welcomed! :)
I can relate to a lot of what you said, too. I'm glad you could share!


Well-known member
Just wanted to say hi. It feels good to get stuff off your chest, just take comfort that there's always someone out there worst off then us. I just started here a week ago. I've know about my sa for like 8 years now and I can't get the courage to get help.
Im so happy people have responded and can relate to me :) I dont even know how to respond back to you guys, but just know im thankful!

What I am not happy about is how I can't seem to get out of my apartment lately :( I feel like if any little thing happens, im going to burst into tears or rage, or im not going to know how to handle a situation the way a normal person would?Lately I think Ive been feeling a little insecure because of the lack of friends. I just get so lonely.... and I have no one to "hang out" with, no one to go shopping with, to the movies, or out to eat on a regular basis, or even go out to a bar. Yes, I can be very social sometimes when im feeling alright but my problem is maintaining a relationship.
Most people just kind of... float off, and im completely okay with it at the time. But at the same time... I'm angry and confused. How come this person never called me/asked me to hang out. Did they not like me? What did I do wrong? Sigh....

Friends make you feel secure, and without having them, going out into the world makes it seem miserable and that your just not apart of anything. Which is my problem today. I mean... I have to go to the store sometime soon, its mandatory and its so stupid how my feelings are stopping me.

Like, you know there are people that care... a lot actually, but you dont feel as if your apart of the world, I always feel like im just standing by, just kind of there.

Well I am about to leave to go and see if I can get anything done today. The other day I had to take xanax to get out, but then I didnt even remember half my day D:


Well-known member
Hi and welcome, I can really relate as well, as it seems a lot of people can x], especially when you mentioned your extreme moods, how you don't know 'who' you are, and your fear of letting people know you. Oh, 3 am is my favorite time too, it's the only time i'll go outside alone. Good old misty sky pre-sunrise and lonely streets.