Did I do something to him?


Well-known member
hmm....best thing to do would probably be to talk to him about it and just ask him if anything's up?

Is there anything you can think of that he might be angry or upset with you about?

He could be upset for a number of reasons so it might be best not to assume too much too early. Maybe he's upset for personal reasons. Maybe he see's you more as an acquaintance than a friend?....and even if it turns out that he is upset with you, it might not be for good reason, or it could be over a misunderstanding.

Not sure if I'm helping much, but I hope you can work it out. :)


Well-known member
I would recommend to ask him, don't let it go by itself, big chance your friendship will fade away. Maybe he feels vulnerable cause of other feelings then friendship or so. Only one way to find out: ask him. ;)


Well-known member
I really don't know how to begin to ask him.

yea I'm absolutely rubbish at confronting people or having "heart to heart's"! I always bodge them! :confused:

My advice would be to try and keep it as light and breezy and "unheavy" as possible....just take it in tiny baby steps. Maybe, at first, don't even mention any problems, just try talking to him more again, asking him how is he etc, and see how he responds. And if he continues to snub you, then it might be more obvious by this stage and therefore easier to ask him if you've done anything to upset him?

just a thought, but is it possible he thinks you've stopped liking him, and so is just responding in kind? I only say that cause I've experienced that before, being a social phobic and all! :rolleyes:


I had kind of the same thing happen to me. I was so into this girl...thought she was too. We would talk for hours and see each other on most weekends. Then all of a sudden she just stopped talking to me. I have no idea what I did to make her not want to talk to me. I was always nice to her. I would send her stuff in the mail all the time...just a a surprise. Once I had to go on a business trip and was gone for a week or so, I sent her a post card everyday...just to let her know how much I thought of her. She made me feel "normal". Like I was actually wanted, something I have never felt. And then BAM it was gone.


Well-known member
I don't know, but it sounds awfully close to home. There was also a girl in my life, we'd spend hours chatting on the bus to school and sometimes hung around during the breaks, although we both had our own crowd of friends. One day she just became really distant though and i was left wondering what the hell had happened. I have to admit that i became a little angry and started ignoring her and talking to her as little as possible- I really wish that instead i'd asked her what was up because i still have no idea why she became like that.

If he was a good mate, keep an open mind; who knows what offended him but maybe he can explain!

" People do what they do because of who they are, not because of who you are".
PS: I don't know why people go into these complex explanations. You can't control what others do and you can't control what they think. Let it be you aren't responsible. Stop blaming yourself for others behavior!