Dentures or No Dentures...?


Well-known member
I am considering just having all my teeth pulled...get dentures and just get permanent implants...(maybe) in the future...

I used to take good care of my teeth but not as much anymore and the past few years and all the mountain dew and smoking well ruined my teeth now to the fact I feel like I wanna die everytime one of two sets of teeth hurts because it hurts that bad that I just rage in a pillow.

I know I could just get them fixed but...I feel that this way I can just not have to worry about it no more in the future...but afraid it may effect me finding someone who will love me?

Sure I wont have to tell them or let them find out but...I would not keep something like that from someone if they truly loved me and stayed then yea if they ran there loss.

I know this is my decision just want to know what you would do if you were in this situation or have been...I used to have a great smile not so much and yea my teeth are in bad shape. I dont smile anymore because of it except with my mouth closed and been doing so for a few years.

Also this is a permanent I need to think...


not actually Fiona Apple
I'd talk to your dentist about this before you make any decisions, but I wouldn't if I were you. Dentures are one of those things that sound nice in theory but suck in reality. I can't speak from experience, but most people with dentures wish they still had their real teeth. Having dentures is not like having real teeth that you can remove, it's like having no teeth, well actually it is having no teeth. If it's really that painful and you think dentures are the only option go for it, but I think you'd regret having your teeth pulled in the long run if you didn't have to.


Well-known member
getting implants costs several thousands of dollars. implants are a multi-part process and each part costs lots of money.

if you need bone grafting prior to implants...well that's more time and more money. meanwhile you go either toothless or you get fitted for a denture while you're waiting for your tissue to heal after the extractions and grafting procedures before the implants can be placed. then after the implants are place you're still going to be without permanent teeth bc you have to wait for implants to heal before the final restoration(crown/tooth) is placed on top of the implant.

You will have bone loss, your face will look aged,and it's a lot of painful procedures. Full mouth implants are never a good idea if your natural teeth can be saved with endodontics and general dentistry restoration.

Get a cleaning, get a treatment plan developed for fixing your grill, follow the treatment plan. And start flossing EVERY NIGHT and brushing no less than twice a day.


Well-known member
In regard to dentures...same thing with the bone loss and making your face age. Plus the fact that your top denture will be just fine and comfortable bc you have your palate to create suction to hold the denture in but on the mandibular denture(lower) there is no suction so it's always uncomfortable,getting food stuck under it, you'll get sores on your gingiva from the plastic of the denture rubbing.

I could list tons of reasons to work with what you've got but you get the idea.

You can do something called Lumineers which are porcelain veneers as thin as a contact lense...they don't have to alter your teeth at all to do these...they just cement them and shape them and then you have a gorgeous colgate smile.

BUT you have to take care of your teeth to have those. FLOSS FLOSS FLOSS. BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH. Get cleanings every 6 months.


Well-known member
I cant floss anymore because it hurts and possibly will cause pain but I still brush just seems pointless now though. I do planning on asking but just there really bad I mean they look fine but I have some bad spots in my mouth for sure though...but they are worse than they look. Thanks for the advice I will have to think more on this and as for the making my face look more aged...yea I know that and I like my face tho :( wouldnt want that lol.

I guess time for more thinking...thanks for the comments.


Well-known member
Talk with your dentist about your options and what you can do to solve the problems you have now- with the amount of money you have.

If your gums bleed when you floss, you probably have gum disease.