Dealing with rude co-workers

Hello everyone,
I'm 16 and i recently got a job about a month ago at my local grocery store. I was just bagging the first few weeks and now this past week they trained me to cashier. I've been trying my best but some of my co-workers are just plain mean to me and treat me like crap and act like I don't know anything. I've made some mistakes and they act like you can't make any mistakes at all. One of my so called managers is completely rude to me and I have a feeling she doesn't like me but I have no idea why. I haven't really worked with her that much maybe a few times and everytime I interact with her she's a b*tch. Then I see her with other co-workers and she's nice. One time I was talking to her and she turned her back on me and ignored what I was saying and said yeah ok whatever.
I'm sorry but I think that's rude of someone
to do. I need advice on what I should do. Should I quit, find a new job? Deal with the rude co-workers? Need help please!


You want to know how I got these scars?
Think of why you took the job in the first place = $$
Dont let people like those who are rude to you feel like they have power, by letting them get to you. If you show that it gets to you, it'll only feed their ego's.

You are there for the money. But if you can find a suitable job somewhere else, go for it.
It can be tough when you're young and just starting out in the workforce.
Good luck :)


New member
PugofCrydee basically put your situation in a nut shell.
Regardless of where you find a job there will more then likely always be rude or bitchy people.
Work is work though, you do it for the money.
Just dont let them get to you.
I would also recommend taking this to the higher manager (if there is one) or put in a complaint about not being treated fairly.


Well-known member
There are always crappy jobs, crappy bosses and crappy co-workers.
I don't think I've ever had a job where I was satisfied with all three of those things. haha

You're a teenager, though-- so people are going to treat you like you are an idiot.
It's an unfortunate fact.
Also-- any newbies are always bait for slightly more experienced employees to powertrip over you.


Well-known member
What Weirdy said. And the fact you are a female. My advice is to ride it out, give it time. If you still feel glaringly uncomfortable after several months then it's not a good fit, find another job. If you find that they start respecting you for your work ethic, then stick around. Not all jobs are the same, it depends on management. If you have good management they will hire no-BS respectable people, and it is evident in the atmosphere. But typically jobs that hire teenagers go through a high turnover rate, so you will be bumping elbows with a lot of degenerates. Don't let them get you down!

Also, I want to congratulate you for working at 16. Keep working hard and don't stop! Get your college education so you don't have to keep working these crap jobs forever. For now you will have to eat crap but just keep doing it! You will want to quit (especially if you are suffering from SP) but take solace in knowing it's only temporary and let these other folks be miserable because they choose to keep working there forever. Don't let them drag you down. Keep your eye on the prize!
Thank you guys so much!! I will try and stick it out and deal with it but sometime its just hard when I'm stressed about doing things right! I appreciate your advice and opinions on everything! ��


Well-known member
It will be hard but you are doing great! You show ambition and initiative in the face of adversity. If you were my kid I would be proud.