Daydreaming-Is that how we cope?

I have no imagination or creativity, so my "daydreaming" consists of living in books that I read (sometimes over and over) and escaping into television and movies, mostly animated and/or comedies. Real life is too "real" lol.


Active member
I had the issue of always bumping into people, not listening and even missing my bus/train stops because of daydreaming. At the same time if you wanna start writing, animating or drawing it comes easier and more naturally to us! Yay!


Well-known member
I really really like this thread since i can totally relate to it.
I daydream alot and i can perfectly keep it separate from reality.
For me daydreaming is a tool to survive in this life.
I live in different ''worlds'', by example my own created fantasy world.
But also when i watch a movie i pretend to be part of it and imagine how i would deal with situations.
I'm such a fan of roleplaying online and in real life, since primairy school.
I remember i was daydreaming especially during boring times like riding my bike to high school, i would imagine flying on a winged horse:giggle:
However, i don't daydream as much as i used too but i still do it alot.
I hope to do something with all the creativity i have, some day:)
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Active member
daydreaming! yes it's good to daydream, i think i always did, but more and more when my phobia got worst and i wasn't almost living the house.
the most that i dream is about a career. due to sp i didn't finished a college...

my mind started thinking about this frustration about my live. i'm gonna live this thoughts to another time.

...yes daydreaming can be fantastic!!! but when you wake up and see how far you are from getting there what you just image, the frustration that cames is huge.


Well-known member
Thoughts= Dreams= Actions= Results

Yes I've day dreamed a lot, and some of those dreams have come true.

The dreams that have come true lie within my limitations of course, of which I have many.


Well-known member
I noticed that I find myself daydreaming about past events and people. i.e College etc. I use to think that god might let me go back in time and "start over". I do wish I could hit the reset button......that would be nice.


not actually Fiona Apple
Daydreaming, as comforting as it can be, can also be quite toxic to progress if you let it. A lot of times daydreams are something we separate from reality, meaning the two do not overlap. This is fine when you are dreaming about dragons, or winning the super bowl with a hail mary pass as time runs out - those things aren't going to happen (sorry!). But when we live out plausible scenarios out in our head and group them in with the dragons and wizards, there's a problem. It's like telling ourselves when thinking it "but that will never happen." It depends on the person, but it may be giving a really good speech, or going on a date with a movie kiss at the end, or simply being really comfortable in conversation. Yes, it's true that things don't go exactly as planned in our heads, but that doesn't make them fictional, unattainable things.

This is just something I noticed. For the longest time I think I had this problem, where I would live my life in my head and the idea of anything I conjuring up being real never even crossed my mind as possible. (noting the difference between daydreams and going through a situation in my head as it would "really happen"). Then last summer, the strangest thing happened and things I dreamed about actually happened in my reality. Maybe not exactly, but pretty close. So when I'm daydreaming, I sometimes have to remind myself, if I really wanted to I could make that stuff happen. It's more than just a fantasy, it can be plans for the future.


Active member
Hi, my first post. Been lurking :)

I think daydreams are our form of making a safe reality. Like the smart lady says there ^ I think if we are to have some hope, and believe in ourselves we need to keep an anchor to reality and not fantasise our relationships ... I do that a hellovalot, and in me i find that when it doesnt work out the way the daydream works, i get really, really anxious and it's like a trigger. Dreams can be plans which we can use to make our reality beter - I kinda get this but dont have any practice at really putting it into practice.


Well-known member
I noticed that I find myself daydreaming about past events and people. i.e College etc. I use to think that god might let me go back in time and "start over". I do wish I could hit the reset button......that would be nice.

I do this a lot too. I have dreamed away years and years thinking it would get better, but it didn't. So I usually dream about things that have been instead of things I want (which was what I usually dreamed about). Because it has started to hurt to dream about things I want and I can't cope with that.


Active member
I have a gold medal in day dreaming. I mean it. I am an extreme lover of it and have become very skilled at it.

The problem is sometimes I get so lost in the lie of this false reality that I forget its just fantasy it becomes my reality. I start imagining what I should have done/said and then later in time I honestly believe thats what I did. I tell ppl that and then when I'm home (not anxious and thinking clearer) I realize I've just lied. I hate when that happens.


Well-known member
I lose so much time doing it, i think about girls, parties, money...!

And the worst thing is the illusion...

To you guys have an idea, i made a concept of a huge game, cause in my mind i could make that turn real, i was so happy and looking forward! than i used linkedin to send the idea for game developers... 5 answered, but they all denied!
they said that the concept was good, but they couldnt make... ;s

Now i'm writing a book! LOL
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