ok, went for an anger walk outside in the cold, that calmed me down.
Sorry for my earlier post....this isnt anything new.
Basically he just reminds me of what a failure he thinks i am, im not religious enough, im not assertive enough, i OBVIOUSLY dont make enough money.....i could go on and on.
My wife has been having difficulties finding work, but shes been trying really hard, going to different session at her uni that give tips on how to do so, she was just starting to feel optimistic, and was telling her rents about it, and her dad basically said it was a waste of time, ect ect, basically sucked the wind out of her sails. Thanks for the support.
Basically nothing is good enough for this guy. ANd he likes to remind me of how im def not the guy he would have wanted his daughter to be with.
I shuold also mention he loves to constantly ask what i consider very personal invasive questions about our S/A and depression, both hers and mine. And he loves to go on about how "you obviously arent living right". And then insists we try to pray everything away...
Going to pull an Obama here, "Now, Let me be clear!"
As ive said before, i have my beliefs, and i do think for some prayer can be a very good and helpful thing.....if you feel your having a spiritual issue.
S/A and depression are things i dont believe can be, and my hunny feels the same. And what totall irks me especially is how he loves to try to force his beliefs on us.....
im amazed my self control has lasted this long.
We had a talk about all of this last night. She says shes happy with me, that she loves me. I know that. Her and me are on the same wavelength and communicate so well in almost everything. You would think that would be enough.
Ok, i could understand if i had a drinking problem, a drug problem, or somthing along those lines.....
Just fed up with constantly being put down. Im a believer in taking the high road. And i refuse to have a battle of wits with one who is obviously unequipped for the task.
Me and my wife both agree were def never going to live in the same town as them, im SO glad they live 7 hours away ....