Dammit, I hate work


Well-known member
I had to be trained on the registers today, and I kept making all these mistakes and had to call the customer service manager a few times to help me out (I even gave a lady the wrong change). I feel so stupid, and I think others think that of me too. What an embarressing day :x
I'm sure others don't think your stupid, especially if you are in training. Keep in mind that's the anxiety making you think that.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
I had to be trained on the registers today, and I kept making all these mistakes and had to call the customer service manager a few times to help me out (I even gave a lady the wrong change). I feel so stupid, and I think others think that of me too. What an embarressing day :x

I've done worse mistakes than that my friend. And I had to quit my job for those mistakes. Forget about wrong change but I've made mistakes in cash handling, amounting to a hundred dollars or so. And people think I'm such a dork for not able to do easiest job, I feel most embarrassed person on earth.


Well-known member
work is the most humiliating place in the world.

one time i waited on this table and they went outside. i thought they left without paying their tab (people dine and ditch all the time). well the manager went outside to see if they were out there, brought them back in and told them to pay their bill. they started cussing me out at the top of their lungs in front of everyone for accusing them of dining and ditching (well wtf were we supposed to think when their meal is finished and no one is sitting at the damned table?!). i was literally shaking. well, their bill was like $36. they gave me $40. instead of giving them $2 and whatever change i gave them $36 back. they took it and left. i was so shook up i didn't even realize my mistake until later. fortunately my manager was cool about it since i explained how shook up i was when they were cussing me out- he witnessed it.

and i fucking hate people.


Well-known member
Hey, we all make mistakes especially when starting a new job / task so don't we so hard on yourself as it is all part of the learning process.


Well-known member
yea I'm the same.....I've been working on checkouts for almost a year now and I still make huge mistakes....My till came back £90 under the other day because of a mistake I made, I almost got fired.....and I'm always giving people wrong change, or forgetting to give them their cashback or whatever....it's so weird, I've been to college and uni and got great grades, I think I'm a pretty clever bloke, yet working checkouts you'd never know....I probably seem like such a retard....and all these new guys that come in and pick it all up straight away and seem so well adjusted and in control and they're like 17 while I'm 25....it's all very humiliating.....I might quit soon.....but then what else could I do? It's probably gonna be the same everywhere.


Well-known member
Most likely things will get better as you get used to your working environment. But if a manager is that hard on you for common mistakes (and for a beginner too), then you should probably start looking for another job. Besides, being a cashier is not the only job in the world.

Amazing how some managers can feel so superior yet in reality they're are in very lowly positions.

Even if you feel stuck at your job, just make sure you get some skills and get a higher paying some day and all this cashier BS will be a faint memory.

I used to be a cashier... some people are cool, some are full of shit.


Well-known member
I'm not normally a cashier, they just need everyone to be trained if the need be. I work in the Garden Center area, and when there are no other cashiers, it falls on me now. Actually one of the managers said they might be moving me up a little bit, to the electronics area. So, at least I might be getting slight promotion soon.

And, at least others here can sort of relate to what I went through.


dottie said:
work is the most humiliating place in the world.

one time i waited on this table and they went outside. i thought they left without paying their tab (people dine and ditch all the time). well the manager went outside to see if they were out there, brought them back in and told them to pay their bill. they started cussing me out at the top of their lungs in front of everyone for accusing them of dining and ditching (well wtf were we supposed to think when their meal is finished and no one is sitting at the damned table?!). i was literally shaking. well, their bill was like $36. they gave me $40. instead of giving them $2 and whatever change i gave them $36 back. they took it and left. i was so shook up i didn't even realize my mistake until later. fortunately my manager was cool about it since i explained how shook up i was when they were cussing me out- he witnessed it.

and i fucking hate people.

You are lucky your boss was so forgiving. This happened to me at a previous job. When I realized that I had given them $40, I freaked! On my dinner break, I went to the cash machine and withdrew $40. When my break was over, i put the money in the register. My boss never knew a thing 'cause if he did, he'd be hella pissed.


Well-known member
Being a cashier is definitely not for everyone, as I have been one myself a few times. My worst time was when I was in front at the register alone, and I all of a sudden got a major brain malfunction moment, and actually ended up giving back the money that the customer gave me! I did lose my job the next day ofcourse, but the mgr was a bitch anyways. But you do get used to it the more you stick with it, that goes with everything.


Well-known member
Hey, I quit my job about four weeks ago cos of mistakes I kept making with change, etc too. I also couldnt socialise properly with the customers and some made me awkward, mainly men chatting me up. I must go brightred, and I make so many mistakes because of it, I get shakey and look like so stupid. I have so much potential to do brilliant things career-wise, also there are many hobbies I could do with my life but SA ruins it completely. If I didnt have SA no word of a lie i'd have a great job, great social life and just the most amazing life.


Well-known member
worrywort said:
yea I'm the same.....I've been working on checkouts for almost a year now and I still make huge mistakes....My till came back £90 under the other day because of a mistake I made, I almost got fired.....and I'm always giving people wrong change, or forgetting to give them their cashback or whatever....it's so weird, I've been to college and uni and got great grades, I think I'm a pretty clever bloke, yet working checkouts you'd never know....I probably seem like such a retard....and all these new guys that come in and pick it all up straight away and seem so well adjusted and in control and they're like 17 while I'm 25....it's all very humiliating.....I might quit soon.....but then what else could I do? It's probably gonna be the same everywhere.
It has nothing to do with intelligence. I know I have to find work below my level to be able to do it. We are mentally ill, sad but true. We have to accept it and adjust our lives accordingly.


Well-known member
I have a job where I have to use the registers, too. I have been working in retail for about a total of 2 years (at two different locations.)

I have made a few mistakes (once involving not swiping-or choosing the wrong tender of a card.) The customer apparently got away with 100 dollars worth of merchandise. Though, since I am a good, honest worker, they just had a talk with me about it. Mistakes happen.

You get better with more experience. Just try to take your time and not stress too much. I know it's hard because retail can get very busy! But even if it's extremely busy, it's better to keep your cool. If you can, call for backup cashiers or page a manager and say you need some help in your department. They left me alone on Valentines Eve at a cashier in a busy department. I called for help, no one came, so I called the manager and asked if she could get someone to help me.