Daily routines?


New member
I have been having a hard time getting myself into a routine. Its bad enough that I sleep all of the time and hardly ever get outside. I have been wanting to get myself more motivated to do things throughout the day but I find myself stuck thinking of things to do or even stay interested in. This is causing me to lose interest in many things that I used to enjoy. It's quite bothersome. :sad:
I want positive change. I want to become more active. I want to get myself a job or maybe even go back to school. I just know that I can't work/attend school at this time and I have come to accept that.

What are some things you do to keep yourself occupied? What do you do for employment/education? I am rather curious :shyness:


I really like having a routine, like you say it makes it easier to get things done. Also you said you were losing interest in things you used to enjoy, if you base your day around something other than those things then what little time you get to do the things you enjoy becomes a lot more valuable and enjoyable.

I find it's good to have one particular thing to base a routine around, something you want to do or improve. For a while I wanted to get fitter so I based a routine around exercise, then I wanted to find a job so I based a routine around volunteering and job hunting.....now I have a job I just work all the time :p


Pirate from the North Pole
now I have a job I just work all the time :p

Same for me, and during week-ends I try to use my time doing what I actually like, and often find I don't have enough time :/

I have been having a hard time getting myself into a routine. Its bad enough that I sleep all of the time and hardly ever get outside.

Sleeping too much and staying indoors not doing much is exactly what you need to do to never find any motivation and get weak and depressed. Just forcing yourself to get up before or at 8AM and start your day by going outside to get some fresh air and get your blood running will make a huge difference. When I do this I can usually surf that wave for the whole day, as long as I'm careful not getting trapped by my computer. You can set goals for the day, even make a list, so if you get too bored doing one thing you can jump on another before procrastination hits you.


New member
The last time I went to a store it was 2010. The only time I go outside is to take out the trash and that only takes 30 seconds, it's been that bad. I have no daily routine. For the past five years, my life consist of watching TV and listening to music. This disorder has forced me to drop out of college, it's taking over my life.
~~~~The Axetder Routine~~~~
**** COFFEE ****

Doesn't coffee make your anxiety worse? I actually love coffee and tea but they both make me a wreck around people (and sometimes alone). I can only really have it when I know I don't have to do anything important in public.
Doesn't coffee make your anxiety worse? I actually love coffee and tea but they both make me a wreck around people (and sometimes alone). I can only really have it when I know I don't have to do anything important in public.

Nuupe. After 3 cups my ADD calms down. Coffee and other stimulants have a slightly different affect to those with ADD issues. Coffee, caffeine, helps speed up the parts of the brain that are slower than the rest of the brain. I don't know that for sure, that's how it was described to me.