cursed or possessed!!!


this might sound crazy, but does anyone else think they could be cursed or possessed?

sometimes i feel a huge pressure in my head, like somethings taken over me and pulls my brain in a different direction from where i want it to go.

one time i was standing washing the dishes and actually collapsed (or was pulled) to the floor, and felt a tremor going through my whole body, and it felt like something had its hands around my neck, trying to strangle me!!

it only lasted a split second i think, but it was fkn terrifying!. i managed to crawl back too bed for 3 days but i kept seeing shadows and stuff even with my eyes closed

after about 4 days haven taken a couple of sleeping tablets, i was taken into hospital and examined, the doctor could find no medical reason for this.
the only thing he found was that my heartrate was through the roof (while on benzoz! which slow your heart down)

maybe its a build up of all the anxiety, depression, ocd, paranoia, pts, etc etc etc (like just exploding)

but whenever i go near that area in my kitchen now, i feel it again, and its simply a race to get out of there!

even just now i feel it, my brain being pushed down the way, its not painfull at all, but its rather concerning!


Well-known member
I always think I'm cursed, but not posessed. But I guess things could be worse. I could've been born without limbs or vision.

Angry E

I feel like a force follows me around, watching my life and choosing moments to intervene when things start to go good. I think karma might be a little more real then we like to believe...Maybe I was someone really evil in my past life and I am paying for it now.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
wow, I'm really sorry that happened to you. I would have completely lost it if that happened to me. I get a sort of sleep paralysis. I dont know exactly whats its called, but I'm normally 100% sure im being abducted by aliens when it happens. because there's a medical explanation and its harmless, i can deal with it. maybe for the sake of your sanity you can trust there is a medical explanation out there somewhere. roughly, what was your heart rate?


Dreamer777, I am not very surprised when you are on medication. Which benzos do you take? I have not much experience with medicaments but the ones I briefly take were terrible. I read some girl started taking Zoloft just for some minor problem and after a year of use started hearing devil tell her to hang herself. My cousin used to have a friend (he is away now) who was very badly drug addicted and my aunt told me he complained about devils attacking him even during the daytime.

As you wrote about your collapse, I had something very similar in one bureau. I also felt tremor going through my body, something like electrical current, and had convulsions. I didn´t fall on the floor, they gave me a chair but I couldn´t see or hear anything and had this tremor, my hands went so into spasms I couldn´t open them. I had never experienced this before (only once nearly fainted in a bank, but didn´t have this tremor). I was laid on the floor and taken to the hospital. They couldn´t really find anything out of order with me, only my bloodpressure is most of the time too low.

I am not excluding the possibility of you being posessed or something though Dreamer777, what is necessary is to investigate the case better or just observe if you have some similar problems in the future. If I were you, I would first stop the pills to see if it gets better without them.


mmm, where do i start here.

first of all, thanks for the advice

the benzos i take are called NITRAZEPAM, one 5mg tablet per day(night).
although its only one pill, i know i am more than addicted to them, its like they are keeping me alive!
i phoned up the hospital in the uk (NHS 24), pretty soon after i had recovered from this "episode" and the pharmacist told me these tablets are even more addictive than valium (diazepam).

ive been on these pills for about 3 years (supposed to be 2 weeks max)

BEFORE i started taking them i was bedbound for about 4 month (my dad even set up a portaloo in my bedroom cause i was so acutely dizzy)

ive had MRI scans, ENT clinic, anxiety management classes,every medication and even physiotherapy (to see if it could cure my vertigo)


it was a strange feeling from being bedbound for so long and then all of a sudden being able to just stand up and walk around!

anyway sorry im getting off the subject here.

maybe the word "possesed" is a bit full on! (but thats how it feels)

convultions, fits, tremours, blackouts, (are they all the same?)

i dont know what my heart rate was at all, i just remember feeling like i was going into shock for 3 days, i couldnt see, my flat is small and i didnt even know how to find the bathroom (which is 4 or 5 feet from my bedroom)

ive never ever heard voices.
people talk about exorcists, and aliens, but usually to do with sleeping problems.
when i sleep, i can sleep through anything!

i feel for anyone who has had any of these kind of things happen to them.

this was not a sleeping problem or a dream.


i dont know how im still alive, my heart must be ready to pack in by now!

(ps, theres loads of stuff ive missed out, cause theres to much of it to remember)


Well-known member
Hmm... this is doesn't sound good.

I do believe strongly in the supernatural, and religion. If I were in this position I might seek religious (in my case; christian) help.
I've had experiences like this, where dark hands have tried to pull me from my body, down into the earth. My initial reaction would be to scream for the name of God and then the foreign spirits would release me.
It was strange...

I don't think you're possessed. I think it's demonic oppression... Or something of the like.

Perhaps you should also see your doctor incase the fits/blackouts are health related.
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Well-known member
I would seek out a psychiatrist. Why take a huge monstrous leap to something supernatural when you haven't already removed any other causes? If nobody has seen your levitate in your bed, then you have to assume what you're experiencing is only happening in your mind.

And who says the classic possessed aren't just suffering from mental illness? Devil possession and the like were the explanation for mental illnesses before we knew what mental illnesses were.
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wrong choice of word, i know, possessed!

lol, ive not seen my bed levitate either and i know that if there was someone else with me that they WOULDNT see what im seeing anyway.

i know its all in MY MIND, but that doesnt mean its not real to me.

as for psychiatrists, i never get straight to the front of the que, they always phob me off with a nurse or Counselor (you know the type, they just want to know whats on your mind so they can have something too talk about over lunch!)

i want to say to them "my mind is not my fkn BRAIN wheres the BRAIN DOCTOR"

anyway "demonic oppression" i had never heard of that before, but its very interesting (if ive got jesus on my side, then no demon can touch me)
sounds good to me


I perfectly believe you it was petrifying but that doesn´t mean it must be therefore a demonic posession. Could have been something like epileptic seisure and do you think they are not petrifying?

As you talk about your brain being pulled in another direction etc., I sometimes have something similar too at night when asleep or after awakening, it´s like you feel you´re dying or going to loose your mind and it´s an absolutely dreadful experience. One most strong of this kind was once on ayahuasca. Or if you read about heart attacks, they must be totally dreadful too. So unless you prove it´s not health related there is no reason to think about demons... by which I do not exclude the possibility of this, for example if in some house someone is murdered and you come to live in that place, you feel unwell there or experience demons strangling you etc. Or voodo magic and other invisible attacks.

I don´t know if you were addressing my experiences from thread Terrible nightmares here, but my problem is not a "simple sleep problem or a bad dream", besides I almost never have problems with sleeping, I could sleep night and day, if given the opportunity. Although they are not "sleep problem", they might partly be a health problem and partly caused by the excessive use of ayahuasca in the past. The rest is explained in the thread.


yep POSSESSION was the wrong word, i just thought i would add the word demon in just to make it interesting.

im not not addressing anyones threads or posts or whatever.

ive had 2 major epileptic seizures that i know about.

im not trying to make out that my experiences are worse than anyone elses, but i will make sure the caps lock is off the next time


I didn´t mean to say your problems are not serious or that mine are worse which definitely aren´t, I think you may be really ill, probably it would be worth looking for some good doctor.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I know what you mean. If it feels supernatural, it mine as well be supernatural. It doesnt really matter whether its really paranormal or not, the terror is the same either way. I have blood pressure problems that make me black out. Also there are blood sugar problems that can mess with your head and make you feel very dizzy. I hope things get better for you.


Well-known member
hi. i've often thought about the possibility of having a curse or being possessed - not that I believe in this but that would be one way of explaining just how dire i've felt. it just doesn't make any sense having these problems, it really doesn't.


Well-known member
Hey Dreamer. I won't judge what is wrong with you but if you believe you have a spiritual problem you should probably try a spiritual solution. I've never had a problem like yours but I pray over the most mundane stuff and I have never been let down. Do you mind if I pray for you? I'm sure flowers-of-bloom will too if you don't mind.
sometimes i feel a huge pressure in my head, one time i was standing washing the dishes and actually collapsed (or was pulled) to the floor, and felt a tremor going through my whole body, and it felt like something had its hands around my neck, trying to strangle me!!

i kept seeing shadows and stuff even with my eyes closed

i was taken into hospital and examined, the doctor could find no medical reason for this

maybe its a build up of all the anxiety, depression, ocd, paranoia, pts, etc etc etc (like just exploding)

even just now i feel it, my brain being pushed down the way, its not painfull at all, but its rather concerning!

Sounds like the pressure is either side effects from the meds your on which in turn might of caused you to collapse and have the tremor, but if your doctor dismissed this then it sounds like a classic cause of aspartame side effects and when people seek medical advace the doctors cant find a reason, Side effects from aspartame include fainting,pressure around head and eyes, tremors too. and also how could you distinguish shadows which are black
btw if your eyes are closed which also makes you see blackness?


Well-known member
First i will tell that i dont believe in christ , angels, deamons, satan, etc.

And first that i ever did accept that possesions with some beings, creatures are possible is here , in this forum. User sleepy sparrow did totally spontaneously described a series of dreams ,where she is possessed with some character... It was so vivid description that it must have not been untrue, or just fantasy.. i know that dreams could be slight directed , but this what she described is a whole scenario.

... at least one event from my childhood is haunting me... i was about 9
years, at our familys friend house... incredible good people... and they
were so good that i somehow become bored... but i didnt have any devilish
thoughts towards them.. just i was bored.. and when i was about to leave,
that boy , friend of ours.. encountered his couisn, they start arguing ..
Some force (not voice , or anything like that!), started dragging my body ,
my limps and contolled my soul, mind, or whatever , to force that two
little kids to confront each other ... they started to combat.. and that
"something" was smiling ridiciously with my face... i was just observing
that in miracle.. but in just a few seconds.. it was gone... decades ago i
m still thinking of it... i still know good what boredom is... and as, an
autistic, i very frequently do "mirroring" characters, because it is like
that... autism is walking in the dark..clueless... and those boys, now lads
,they have only each other as relatives.. they dont speak to each other... i
know that i didnt caused anything but that "thing" , "boredoom" is present
in me...... i ve noticed few of u here, very "bored"...

.. one event from my childhood freaks me even more than this...that event is
just pure misery that comes out of limitations od "autistic box" living..
but i m not sure if it has anything to do with possesions ... or curses
(even the curse is dropped on me , i dont believe in it... but curse
combined with something... yeah :( ) ...

to the topic starter... dont tell anything of that to doctors.. men who
choose to specialize psychiatry are all charllatans and their nonsense terms
like "identity" , "personality" sure are good for nothing, and theories
coming from it , lead to the blind alley.... which they never admit ,
offcourse.. eventually, when they are retired...but who gives a damn about
those suckers..
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