Crying a lot


Well-known member
I cry very easily--happy, sad, uncomfortable...whatever. One of my friends is on anxiety meds that make it pretty much impossible for her to cry, but I don't want that. I just would rather not cry so much. Any ideas what to do about this? I hate that it happens sometimes at inappropriate times.


Well-known member
i cry really easily too. what helps for me is to just force my thoughts elsewhere, or force my emotions in a different direction toward whatever is upsetting me. i find feeling angry helps me to stop crying. anger isnt something i feel often, but it makes me feel better if i can feel angry about it instead. (that probably sounds weird but anger feels better than sadness).

and sometimes ill just pinch myself, bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. and if i do tear up, i pretend to yawn, or pretend my eyes are burning and rub them.

thats just what works for me


Well-known member
I cry very easily--happy, sad, uncomfortable...whatever. One of my friends is on anxiety meds that make it pretty much impossible for her to cry, but I don't want that. I just would rather not cry so much. Any ideas what to do about this? I hate that it happens sometimes at inappropriate times.

You can try wearing a bracelet or scrunchie that snaps back when you pull it. Sinking your nails into your hand. Something that will allow you brief pain as a temporary distraction may help stop the tears in their tracks.

I use to do this. Anxiety medication did help, and it doesn't make me unable to cry..just not as easy- which is a nice change. lol
I feel the same I have the same problem I started a thread a couple of days ago and still seeking advice however I haven't cried as much....I don't have advice on the matter cause I struggle with being overemotional and crying most of the time at things that are funny or sad and I have no advice, people on here have just said its ok to cry but seek professional help from a doctor but I don't want to do that, just to let you know that its normal to cry and good way to release emotions but if you feel like its affectin ur daily life then please do go see a doctor as it may be a hormonal problem, speak to someone u trust. I believe why I cry a lot is due to an imbalance in my body but it seems to be sorting itself out! don't feel as upset all the time! and still in a stressful situation with exams and life in general! im here to talk if need drop me a message always free to chat :) x


Well-known member
I cry very easily too.... but I wont cry in front of people. Ill excuse myself and go to the restroom or leave that situation. I hate being perceived as week or even just letting them know they had the capability of causing such a strong emotion in me.

I cry during strong positive emotions too.. laughter.. happiness...

What I have found that works for me, is I cry while I shower. I let it all out. The good and the bad. I usually reflect, when I go to bed... and cry then too. For me, the more I tried to hold it or ignore it.. the worse it got.