crowds of people


Well-known member
anyone been to situtions like partys were theres just everyone talking and ur sitting there poor quiet i was at a party b4 were i was sitting at a chair everyone was up the other side of kitchen talking i got up to talk i seen people laughing at me wats the point partys arnt my scene and never will be i also hate when people stood in a circle talking i used to turn my back i just couldnt face it they probably thought i was being ignorant


Well-known member
Well, you perfectly described a same experience of mine. Yup, great memories ...:mad:
Parties are hit and miss with me, recently I went to party soon to be family members (Im getting married soon) it was all female type of get together and I wasn't sure how I was going to feel till I got there...well as soon as I did, I wanted to run. I faked it through, when the party was over and I got dropped off I was out of sorts for a while. It took me a little bit to feel like myself again.
I wish I could be normal and just enjoy myself but with S.P. everything is much harder.


Well-known member
Yeah, I hate parties. I never go to house parties at all. But at any type of social function or family get-together, I'll usually just there like a log, not talking and feeling uncomfortable. I try not to make eye contact much so people won't start talking to me. I just kinda gaze around the room in silence.
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Well-known member
I had a few major panic attacks at parties in my twenties. Really not my favourite environment.


Well-known member
I handle crowds at concerts so easily, since I know the focus isn't on me. And everyone gets sweaty at a concert. Anything else sets my anxiety in motion, though.

At parties I'm usually the guy off in the corner by himself.


Well-known member
anyone been to situtions like partys were theres just everyone talking and ur sitting there poor quiet i was at a party b4 were i was sitting at a chair everyone was up the other side of kitchen talking i got up to talk i seen people laughing at me wats the point partys arnt my scene and never will be i also hate when people stood in a circle talking i used to turn my back i just couldnt face it they probably thought i was being ignorant

I can relate happened a lot in my high school days and people just try to form a circle and try to look cool. Not really my thing :p


Well-known member
I haven't really been to parties before, but once, I went to a major Christmas celebration for work, it was weird, and I felt weird. I had a worse one though, I went to some sporting event at a different company I worked at, there were loads of people, probably some 70 or so, I just sat there by myself pretending to read a magazine and made a quick escape as soon as I possibly can. Basically it was one of those companies that have such major gatherings very frequently.