Crowded Room Chatter


I cant stand being in a crowed room when everyone is chit chatting, like at a family gathering. It gets very loud and I can't even hear what the person is saying. It makes me feel very irritable and like I am literally going insane. I fear I will develop a mental illness because I OCD on it. Anyone ever feel like this?


Well-known member
I can't stand it either. This is the reason why I hate debates involving large groups of people. It's like the room is filled with static.


Well-known member
I'm the same, I can't stand rooms full of chattering people... It's so incredibly irritating and overwhelming.


Well-known member
I cant stand being in a crowed room when everyone is chit chatting, like at a family gathering.

Imagine busing tables in a busy restaurant all day. That's part of the reason I quit that job.

On my last few days I was just sitting there with that constant chatter going on around me....nonstop.

It sucks for people like me because I'm usually the one not doing the talking.

The only time I hate the crowded room situation is when I'm where somewhere that I don't like being. Oddly enough, I enjoy sporting events and such.
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Thanks for all the comments..

It is just not the sounds that bother me but it is that I feel pressured to have to socialize in it. I just always find a day at a big family gathering very exhausting, it literally makes me depressed.