Constant headaches?


Well-known member
I don't know if it's the stress of SA that's causing this but when I'm out generally in public, I get pretty bad headaches that last throughout the whole evening/night. It's got me pretty worried with such the constant and intensity side of it but just curious if anyone else also gets headaches from a day-to-day basis in the real world?
I drink plenty of water, but maybe my lack of food intake when I'm out contributes to this too. :confused:
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Yeah. Not daily, but maybe 2 times per week. When they happen, I basically can't move (migraines). I detect them early, and take some all-natural medicine during the onset.


Well-known member
I used to get them daily and reaaally bad when my anxiety was a lot worse. They sort of coincided with my shoulder and neck pain too. From being tense all the time becausssse of the anxiety.


Well-known member
I have headaches a lot because of my sinuses & because of my wisdom teeth that have been coming in for years. But when I'm in public, the anxiety of it makes them worse & has even given me migraines. When I was taking my GED a little over three years ago, I constantly got migraines, so much so that I had to stop going because they were getting so bad. I also got them when in college last Spring semester & this fall.


Well-known member
Do you smoke cigs? I used to smoke and when I did I used to get headaches almost every single day. Since I've stopped I don't get them anymore. Only occasionally, and now it's when I'm really tense. I can feel it in my neck and head.