Connecting with People

Everyone here has various degrees of SA, but you chat in IM send private messages, add friends to your profile.

I don't have much to talk about, I don't know what questions to ask, or how to keep a conversation going. When I try to ask people about themselves, I usually get one word replies and that's it. What do I need to change to connect?

How do you connect with one another here? I don't seem to be able to even do that.

Advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
Everyone here has various degrees of SA, but you chat in IM send private messages, add friends to your profile.

I don't have much to talk about, I don't know what questions to ask, or how to keep a conversation going. When I try to ask people about themselves, I usually get one word replies and that's it. What do I need to change to connect?

How do you connect with one another here? I don't seem to be able to even do that.

Advice would be greatly appreciated.

I'm right there with you. *awaits responses*


Well-known member
Hey guys,
I mostly connect with people through the forums easier. There's a post about it. Some people just prefer to write e-mails/PMs or forum posts, cause it gives them time to think and reply. So maybe try connecting on the forum first?

I've had some interesting conversations on chat too, it depends. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for a chat... And it has nothing to do with the person on the other side..
The chat is strange and at first just automatically logs you in, it took me a while to figure that out..


Well-known member
well, you can allow people to add you as a friend or post a message to start with.
One word answers are better understood.

At times injecting random seems to stir something up. They may think you odd. It does keep a conversation going for a little time.

Other than that I have nothing to offer.
Keep trying. you got nothing to lose also. Even, i get no reply half the time... but, i still trying to connect with people around. No matter how weird and strange the reply is... i try to keep the conversation going....


Few conversation tips in general, for face-to-face, IM, etc.
(in general, I don't like IM, so these are more from my face-to-face experiences). I'm by no means an expert, but here goes:

1. First, learn to start the conversation. Ask a question (it can be almost anything, but avoid very personal subjects [e.g. relationships, sex, etc.], unless the conversation/relationship has progressed to that point) or better yet, state something about yourself or your surrounding & ask the other person if their the same, different, in a similar situation, etc.

Can't find a topic? Look around you... what are you drinking, eating, what are you listening to, what's the weather like, etc... It doesn't matter if it's interesting to you or not, it's just an ice breaker, the conversation can lead to something interesting, but you have to start somewhere.

2. Avoid yes/no or single-word questions/answers when possible (remember, if you getting single-word responses it can be your fault as well. Assume the other person sucks at this more than you do). If you do get one-word answers, follow-up on the answer:

e.g. If someone says, yes, they like coffee, follow up with: what type of coffee? where do they like to go to buy coffee? do they link starbucks or dunkin donuts? do they like the new free wi-fi at starbucks? ... the last question here is particularly good b/c it takes the conversation in a new direction - business, wi-fi, technology, internet, etc.

3. You must inject information about yourself (even at times when your not directly asked for the information). Don't be afraid to state your own opinions, ideas, etc. and try to include a few bits of details.

e.g. Let's say someone replied that they like starbucks coffee, you can reply that you love starbucks as well and that you especially love their frappachinos... you can, of course, then ask what they think about the frappachinos?

4. Don't be afraid to disagree, but do so politely unless it's someone you can be brash with. Don't forget to state why you disagree.

e.g. You don't like starbucks' coffee. You say: I don't really like starbucks' coffee, I prefer seattle's best, it has a richer flavor... again, this can naturally lead to a question: have they tried seattle's best?

If it looks like things will turn into a flame war, just say: let's agree to disagree... but do not cave to the other person just b/c the situation gets tense.

5. Don't abruptly change the topic unless it's necessary (note: it will be necessary at times). You don't want things to feel like a Q&A session, a conversation should be an organic back and forth.

6. Don't talk about technical or nerdy stuff unless it's with someone who'll understand it. Probe first with a general question (e.g. do you know javascript?), steer way if the answer if no or it'll be a very one-sided conversation.

7. Silence is fine. Relax... don't panic!... Just look for another topic or some additional details about the current topic. oh, if this is face-to-face, you can stare away for a while, but don't pull out your phone (rude, makes the other personal feel ignored) or look down (same as with the phone, but also makes you look less confident).

8. Practice! It does get easier. One your close with someone, you can also be more brash and don't worry about some of the "rules" I mentioned above: you can pull out your phone to browse the web, you can lecture them on tech stuff, etc.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
A connection with people is not something you can force onto yourself. It takes time and experience in life. You need not purposely attempt to connect with people though. The key is simply to relax and speak of something that interests you. Find people with common interests.
A connection with people is not something you can force onto yourself. It takes time and experience in life. You need not purposely attempt to connect with people though. The key is simply to relax and speak of something that interests you. Find people with common interests.

Was not going to interrupt. Cannot let go.
How can one speak of interests when all but how to escape clouds the mind? Relax, sounds nice. Almost an impossibility when public domain demands vocal ability.

Apologetically, yes, conversing about interests does seem to lighten or enlighten the ability to vocalize in unfamiliar territory.


Well-known member
I believe that one should simply speak your mind truthfully, no matter who you are talking to or chatting with, just put what you are thinking forward. This way you will soon know how the other person feels and whether they are someone you feel you would want to chat with again.


I believe that one should simply speak your mind truthfully, no matter who you are talking to or chatting with, just put what you are thinking forward. This way you will soon know how the other person feels and whether they are someone you feel you would want to chat with again.

definitely agree..