Confidence boost


Well-known member
I've been drumming for almost a year now and I never drummed in front of anyone. Today I decided to make a video and post it on facebook for my friends to see. I was really nervous about screwing up or not having a good rhythm.

So I took a shot and made a video and put it on facebook and everyone is liking it and commenting on how good it is. I feel a lot more confident while drumming now because I know that all my practice is making me a better drummer.

Does anything help boost your confidence?


Well-known member
That's awesome! I always loved drummers.

Honestly, doing anything that makes me feel like an adult makes me feel really good. Such as setting up appointments, cleaning really well and just doing mundane life things. I have a lot of trouble with things such as talking on the phone, so when I can do it correctly I always feel great afterwards.

Also I love to make people laugh and when I can do that often, it makes me feel good.


Well-known member
I love making people laugh also :). I feel great when I can successfully execute a song or random rhythms with any instrument I play. I used to sing a lot too and when I could hit the high notes or the low it made me feel accomplished!


Well-known member
Whenever I do things correctly at my job I feel really good. I've been there over a year in my first one, so I basically know what there is to know and it feels really good to get things done just because I know how to. But then at the same time, I worry constantly about messing something up.

I feel pretty good when I can actually talk about a topic and know what I am saying. I'm not book smart to be honest, so most of my knowledge tends to lay elsewhere and it's not often I can whip it out.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Honestly, doing anything that makes me feel like an adult makes me feel really good. Such as setting up appointments, cleaning really well and just doing mundane life things. I have a lot of trouble with things such as talking on the phone, so when I can do it correctly I always feel great afterwards.

Also I love to make people laugh and when I can do that often, it makes me feel good.

Same here. :)


I've been drumming for almost a year now and I never drummed in front of anyone. Today I decided to make a video and post it on facebook for my friends to see. I was really nervous about screwing up or not having a good rhythm.

So I took a shot and made a video and put it on facebook and everyone is liking it and commenting on how good it is. I feel a lot more confident while drumming now because I know that all my practice is making me a better drummer.

Does anything help boost your confidence?

That is very awesome, Danny. Keep up the good work. I know you are not religious, and that's fine, but even David of Psalms in The Holy Bible says he will always be confident, even in the face of war!:thumbup:

Confidence prevails all things. I love this thread.

Does anything boost my confidence?

My energy level and weight loss and over-all fitness performance increase.:thumbup:


Well-known member
My energy level and weight loss and over-all fitness performance increase.:thumbup:

Awesome! I really want to start exercising again as well. I did a lot during the summer, but weather months really suck it out of me. I had begun a few weeks ago but stopped.. Working out always feels good as long as I didn't dread doing it.


Well-known member
When some people like my drawings and my portfolio on fb. Most of them will not comment, but at least those who work in similar areas tend to appreciate it.