Cleaning the house.


Well-known member
Hi, is it true that people with social phobia dont do a lot of house choirs like me? or are reluctand to do so? i.e cleaning the house/dishes...leave it up to someone else. A university study says you people you do your house choirs like you should?


Well-known member
I clean my house on a daily basis. Not obsessive, just the usual dusting and hoovering, case of having to with two dogs.


Well-known member
Oh yeah, everywhere I go I leave a mess. It's like I can't contemplate anything beyond the virtual world. Bloody hell, I can't even organise the files on my computer.

I think the link between SP and mess-making is certainly valid. I know I am always analysing things, and the state of the house is not forgotten. The more conscious of issues I am, the less likely I am to do them. Same goes for uni work... anything really. I actually need deadlines to do something, otherwise there's hell of a lot of contemplating and not much doing.


Well-known member
I don't do much housework but I don't think it's SP related. I probably do more than alot of single guys living on their own. I like living in a clean flat, especially considering how much time I spend here but I just can't be bothered most of the time. How much that's due to SP, depression, laziness or simply being male is anyones guess.


I don't mind chores. But try as I might I can never get everything clean at one time. Between yard work, laundry, dusting, mopping, organizing, recycling, etc. it just seems like there's always something else needing to be done. Maybe it prevents me from asking people over to visit. Whenever I hear someone is going to come over, I start a Chinese fire drill trying to tidy / clean. By the time they get here I'm exhausted.


Well-known member
Im still a teenager so i dont really do a incerdibly lazy as well,but i will cleaqn the my room the odd time if it does start looking like a pig sty


Super Moderator
I often tidy my room and maybe clean or do other stuff... but someimes i'm too lazy to do anything and my room turns chaotic.


Well-known member
My house is abnormally messy, even though I know that my mood increases when I clean it, that my husband and I are less hateful, that I am not as afraid to hear knocks at the door, when my house is clean. I just can not do it, I do not know why, I have time.

I am also somewhat of a packrat although not a full blown hoarder and start lots of unfinished craft projects and stuff.

I guess if I just gave up knitting,canning, gardenning,exc... stopped painting, making playdough, and making things with the kids and stopped getting them so many books from yard sales (we have over 100 kids books) It would be easier to be tidy.

But these are the things that are important to me, and what make me a great mom, even though we do have a messy house.

Mabey I should just learn to clean up after myself. It really does make me happier when I do.
Ehhh most of the time I'll just clean when I feel annoyed by a mess. I don't clean much otherwise. I work more than I clean I guess.

I'm not really messy but Im not really clean either.


Well-known member
We're supposed to do chores every day? lol Seriously, I do get lazy but I don't know what that has to do with being socially anxious. However, I'm not going to completely discredit this study. Do you have any further details?

I agree with this. I just don't see how that makes sense at all.

I'm a pretty messy person, admittedly. However, I'm not one of those people that can live comfortably in their filth. There comes a point where I can't take it anymore and I have to straighten my things out and scrub everything down - maybe every 2 weeks or so.
Cleanification Station

Yeah, I don't see the connection. I don't think Social Phobia is an excuse to be messy. I'm not messy, I couldn't be it bothers me too much. I just do stuff when it needs to be done right afterwards to avoid doing it all at once. I usually am the one who ends up picking up other peoples trash too, and I hate doing it, but if you never do it no one will. *sigh*
I think that being messy or not wanting to do chores would be more linked with depression than SA, because you tend to not feel motivated or have energy for things, and even small chores can feel overwhelming. But it is likely that a lot of people with SA are depressed as well- perhaps the study didn't control for factors such as level of depression.


Well-known member
That is true for me. My house is a complete mess. It's hard for me to get myself to keep it clean, especially when I have to pick up after my mom who just throws things in the floor. It's also hard for me to take out the garbage, but that's because a lot of my issue is agoraphobia & not just SA & I'm afraid to leave the house to put the garbage out.
Clean the Scene

I guess I can see how that makes sense. I just see it as I have all the time in the world, plus more, so I might as well. Plus I am too obsessive about there being cups or trash on the table or whatever when watching Tv :D!