My house is abnormally messy, even though I know that my mood increases when I clean it, that my husband and I are less hateful, that I am not as afraid to hear knocks at the door, when my house is clean. I just can not do it, I do not know why, I have time.
I am also somewhat of a packrat although not a full blown hoarder and start lots of unfinished craft projects and stuff.
I guess if I just gave up knitting,canning, gardenning,exc... stopped painting, making playdough, and making things with the kids and stopped getting them so many books from yard sales (we have over 100 kids books) It would be easier to be tidy.
But these are the things that are important to me, and what make me a great mom, even though we do have a messy house.
Mabey I should just learn to clean up after myself. It really does make me happier when I do.