can't accept myself

hello everybody,

i have to go to school and i feel terrible about it. everyday i wish i could stay home while i do want to fight for it but just because i cannot accept the fact that i struggle with my parents , emotions , i am not a talkactive person at school and i don't like that i'm a negative thinker. how should i change myself ? im self destructive because i am ugly and disgusting.

i hate the conflicts with my parents and i feel a stupid patient.

i just called a line to get help but they say i should chang eit.

im stuck... god sakes.

im at school and have a break and will now go to my class.

feel horrible.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as I am stuck. You should find ways to tap on and build your strengths. Nobody is born perfect and we all have our issues; its up to how you deal with things.

You can either live with things as they are. Or figure out and keep working on finding ways to get where you want to be.


Well-known member
You aren't self destructive because you're ugly and disgusting, you're self destructive because at some point you learned this behavior. My guess is that you're probably trying to change everything at once which is why you are feeling stuck. Start small; if your issue is talking to people, try saying hello or starting a conversation with someone. If you can speak English, you can start a conversation, no matter how painful it might be. Try some new things and set some small goals for yourself. Its not a race but you have to start somewhere. Baby steps. Like anything else, we have to fail in order to get better at something. So always be on the lookout for these opportunities to take action and if you fail then learn something from it. Like Honda said, you can essentially give up and live the way things are or keep at it.


Well-known member
You know whats the problem, the fact you are allowing yourself to feel this way..

Most of the SA people here are just too conditioned by their lives to let go all those negative and counterproductive emotions. But its time to realize it and slap some sense into yourself..


Well-known member
The reason for lack of self-esteem

1. steals (anything that is not given to you)
2. lies(plain lies, back-biting, trash talk and harsh talk)
3. kills another being(includes any creature)
4. drinks alcohol and loses control over his vocal and physical actions
5. sexual misconduct.

Start by avoiding these 5 misdeeds and see your life change.

This might seem simple...but very very effective....please try it and see it.


Well-known member
Apart from lies, those reasons seem really extreme!

I feel for you sooo much you couldnt have phrased it better. I guess all we can do is focus on the good sweet moments in life when they do happen, and go to loved ones to remind us that there are people that accept us. Also, it is supposed to get gradually easier the more we stretch out our comfort zone. I feel like you are actually really talented in communication, i bet there are moments when youre not quiet in class. If not, i know you have the potential naturally to be more talkative. Hope youre feeling better now a few days later!


Well-known member
you aren't ugly and disgusting. i've seen your pics.

what are you measuring yourself against? probably media lies and facades.

don't feel sorry for yourself because you "have to" go to school. do you know how many people who kill for that opportunity?



Well-known member
hello everybody,

i have to go to school and i feel terrible about it. everyday i wish i could stay home while i do want to fight for it but just because i cannot accept the fact that i struggle with my parents , emotions , i am not a talkactive person at school and i don't like that i'm a negative thinker. how should i change myself ? im self destructive because i am ugly and disgusting.

i hate the conflicts with my parents and i feel a stupid patient.

i just called a line to get help but they say i should chang eit.

im stuck... god sakes.

im at school and have a break and will now go to my class.

feel horrible.
I feel for you. It's not any easy situation to be in. It also doesn't help that there are people who try to trivialize or down play what your experiencing. The emotional torment. Inner and external conflicts. You have to remember your a human being first, and dispite thinking you're not meeting your parents, your own or anyone else's expectations, you deserve to be treated like a human being. It may be difficult, but perhaps your parents don't fully understand exactly what your experiencing and you need to demonstrate that to them. As a society we are taught to suck-it-up and bottle-up our emotions and are surprised when people don't "understand" us. It's not your fault. It's just a culture of poor coping skills. Sometimes I wonder if there are emotionless beings running the planet. But I digress... You'll be surprised how people respect you more when you are emotionally honest with them... You need to believe in yourself.


Well-known member
hello everybody,

i have to go to school and i feel terrible about it. everyday i wish i could stay home while i do want to fight for it but just because i cannot accept the fact that i struggle with my parents , emotions , i am not a talkactive person at school and i don't like that i'm a negative thinker. how should i change myself ? im self destructive because i am ugly and disgusting.

i hate the conflicts with my parents and i feel a stupid patient.

i just called a line to get help but they say i should chang eit.

im stuck... god sakes.

im at school and have a break and will now go to my class.

feel horrible.

I had the exact same feeling as you when i was in university. I dun talk in classes, dun make friends, skip alot of classes, always felt inferior. But in the end i did the minimum, which is to get a degree, and i thought thats all that mattered really. But the problem recycles itself when i go work, So truth is i need to change, but i cant find the courage to begin either.