Can a boy/man and girl/woman be just friends?


Hi! Here's discussion i've been having recently with my pals. Not sure if it has already been discussed here or not

I think a man and a woman can be friends to a certain extent, never like a man/man or woman/woman relationship because the sex issues always meddle in. What do you guys think? i'd like to hear some opinions.

I don't think that a man and a woman can be best friends. You can be acquaintances, but once the man and women become close attraction to each other is inevitable. Just look at the movie "When Harry met Sally." lol


'A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy.'


Well-known member
Of course they can!!!!
Men and women can be great friends, and if you take sex of your mind for a few minutes that idea wouldnt seem so stupid.


Well-known member
Depends. Really!!!

If there is sexual tension between the 2, then it comes down to how they behave. (the girl may make a move, so can the guy)

In the case of no sexual tension, and both of them getting sex on a regular basis from other sources, then it is perfectly possible.


Well-known member
Just friends

This is a trick questions or it need to be worded diffrently.

If males and females cant be just friends.......then I guess we can just make friends with someone of the opposite sex and eventualy we are guarentee to sleep with them if those privous coments are true...think about that. If you want to sleep with anyone just make friends then right???

Lots of people are realy good friends with their brothers or sisters or moms or dads but it doesnt catch or eyes. We look for evidence to support our beliefs.

I personaly think the question needs to be re-worded.


Well-known member
Yea...of course they can be friends. Works better if they're not sexually attracted to each other, but's not too uncommon.


I think in theory yes, a man and a woman can be friends. If one develops an attraction to the other though, I think it can become a risky situation if it's not communicated properly.

E.g., the two "friends" get drunk together one day and end up sleeping together, only to wake up sober later to just be "friends" again, but one of them still has the feelings for the other and is left to deal with the aftermath.

My (former) best friend was a female, and that's what happened to me. I think it would just depend on the two people in the friendship and the dynamics between the two. In my case, I ended up losing a great friend due to the pain I was feeling.


Well-known member
I think they can if the situation is right...but you all remember what Billy Crystal said in the movie "When Harry Met Sally"...not that one should ever base thier life decisions on a line in a movie of course...


Well-known member
I think it depends. If it's a guy and a girl that grew up together (maybe neighbors or something) and have known each other their whole life, I think it's possible they could be really good friends, especially if they each have girlfriend/boyfriend. But I think as you get older it gets harder to meet girls and just be friends with them.
A good example was I met a girl online and we met up one day (I'm 25, she's 19). We spent like 12 hours together and we really seemed to be hitting it off. We spent part of the day hanging out with her friends. One of them was a guy she knew most of her life that she called her best friend. If I remember correctly when she mentioned to me that he had a girlfriend she said something like "he has a girlfriend, unfortunately". This made me rather jealous.

But basically when she introduced me to her friends she introduced me as "this is my friend Adam". I figured she just said friend cause we had just met and everything. So by the end of the night we were flirting and eventually kissed for a couple minutes. I found out a few days later she just wants to be friends. While I wasn't happy about that at first, I accepted it. I was mainly upset about this because I've never like a girl as much as I liked her. So now I haven't talked to her in over a week (I don't wanna come on to strong) but I think I realized that we can't be friends without myself getting hurt downt the road. It has to be all or nothing. If we were friends I would just constantly be hoping something more would develop between the two of us.

My point is that if one person wants to be more than friends it's not possible to be friends without that person getting hurt. In my situation I would be ok being friends with her, but then if she met a new guy and they started being boyfriend/girlfriend I would probably get extremely jealous and then since she had a boyfriend she would eventually spend less and less time with me.

In the past I have had a few girls as friends, but I never really hung out with them unless it was with a group of people, and I don't really talk to them on the phone or anything.

Basically I just can't imagine a single guy and a single girl spending time together like to best friends of the same sex would and not have something more develop. Sure they can be friends, but I don't think they could be best friends.


Well-known member
Not that I have much experience in the friend department, male or female, but I don't see why a guy and a girl couldn't be friends. Just cause someone's a different sex you can't be good friends? Doesn't make sense to me...


Well-known member
Yeah, its definatley possible to be friends i think, theres no rules, even if one of them finds the other attractive its possible to be friends because the other might not be attracted in that way, or might already have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or they might live on completeley different parts of the world making it impossible for them to see each other all the time.


Well-known member
I believe it's possible. I haven't had any friends who were boys for years. They seemed to get really stupid in middle school... that's when they started thinking about sex, I guess. I think you'd have to have two people who either don't obsess over sex or are so close that they feel like brother/sister. It would be awkward if one was even considering becoming more than friends, even if he/she only thought that because it seemed expected by society. I don't know if that made sense. Mostly, I think it depends on the people.


Well-known member
Absolutely. I've got guy friends - more girl friends than guy friends, but yeah, girls and blokes can definately be just friends. If anything, i seem to be incapable of making romantic attachments to blokes! They always end up being "just friends", whether i want them to be or not!

There was a interesting occasion a few years ago when i became friends with this guy. He was really nice, and quite intellectual, and we got on really well. But then he sort of tried to flirt and stuff - i wasn't having any of it! I was kind of scared by it, it was so sudden! But i just ignored it, and he got the message eventually - and we just fell into an easy friend relationship.

So, i think that girls and guys can be friends, even if one of them has romantic feelings for the other. It's only if the feelings are on both sides when a simple friendship isn't possible.