Bullying to me.


Active member
I get Bullied alot.

I am a 13 year old who is going through bullying. I have a stammer and I pronounce my 'O's weirdly, and I stand up for people, and I am quite fat.

The worse of it began summer. One of my friends had recieved a rude message about her being a 'Loose girl.' I was walking home from school and some people were talking to me and one of them said he sent the message. Without thinking, In my rage, I chased him down an alleyway. Next day everyone was saying I loved the girl who I had stuck up for :kickingmyself:

I have a stammer, and they also laugh at me for that.

When I was walking home, someone jumped on my back and I fell over. Everyone was laughing at me. I chased the person. One of the girls who was laughing said a rude remark. I pushed her.

She said I pushed her into a road. This isn't true. I pushed her, but she never went into the road.

Most recently, Someone 2 years older than me was being mean to random people. I stuck up for then. He bent my neck far to forwards, and tripped me up. His friend then chased me with his privates out.

These are just the massive events.

I have spiralled down into depression, and I had a couple of moments when I had to relieve stress by crying.

I hate myself.


Well-known member
Hi there. I was bullied too and went into depression.

The worse of it began summer. One of my friends had recieved a rude message about her being a 'Loose girl.' I was walking home from school and some people were talking to me and one of them said he sent the message. Without thinking, In my rage, I chased him down an alleyway. Next day everyone was saying I loved the girl who I had stuck up for

It's good that you stood up for this girl, but I don't think should chase that guy down. I think you should try to settle things with words, as peacefully as possible.

When I was walking home, someone jumped on my back and I fell over. Everyone was laughing at me. I chased the person. One of the girls who was laughing said a rude remark. I pushed her.

People can be such malignant liars. They stretch the truth for their own benefit.

Most recently, Someone 2 years older than me was being mean to random people. I stuck up for then. He bent my neck far to forwards, and tripped me up. His friend then chased me with his privates out.

This sucks. I remember there was a guy who was being mean to 2 of my friends. One of my friends didn't say anything at all but the other friend kept laughing as if she doesn't have a clue what's been said to her. The guy kept taking her water bottle. So I stuck up for my friends and took the water bottle away from the guy. The guy got angry and this went back and forth for short while. The next day, I sat down and felt a newspaper going down on my head; someone had hit me with a newspaper. I looked up and saw 2 guys (the bully and his friend) laughing.

It's amazing how you stand up for other people but they don't do the same for you.

I hate myself.

Don't hate yourself. You had good intentions, you meant well. I think you're braver than all those other people who see bullying but don't do anything about it.


Well-known member
i am sO glad to hear about someone standing up for others. it's pathetic how uncommon of an occurance it is in the world. i am pleasantly surprised that you stand up for others since you are bullied. people are wads, and i'm glad you do something about it, even though you do seem to take it a little too extreme. you should try to stay calmer and make your point to the bullies in words that tell them to stop w/e they're doing and why they should stop, but to not include anything violent in the reason for them to stop (violent stuff that you could do if they don't quit). they need their ways of thinking and acting changed, and the best ways of doing that are through their mind, not their body. the power of persuasion using logic.
how do you pronounce o's weirdly?


Active member
I apparently Pronouce O's like Ow's
I do try to get it through to them using words, and I have told them to stop, but they didn't


Well-known member
I get Bullied alot.

I am a 13 year old who is going through bullying. I have a stammer and I pronounce my 'O's weirdly, and I stand up for people, and I am quite fat.

The worse of it began summer. One of my friends had recieved a rude message about her being a 'Loose girl.' I was walking home from school and some people were talking to me and one of them said he sent the message. Without thinking, In my rage, I chased him down an alleyway. Next day everyone was saying I loved the girl who I had stuck up for :kickingmyself:

I have a stammer, and they also laugh at me for that.

When I was walking home, someone jumped on my back and I fell over. Everyone was laughing at me. I chased the person. One of the girls who was laughing said a rude remark. I pushed her.

She said I pushed her into a road. This isn't true. I pushed her, but she never went into the road.

Most recently, Someone 2 years older than me was being mean to random people. I stuck up for then. He bent my neck far to forwards, and tripped me up. His friend then chased me with his privates out.

These are just the massive events.

I have spiralled down into depression, and I had a couple of moments when I had to relieve stress by crying.

I hate myself.

Who cares what they say, so theyre saying you love the girl you stuck up for? so what. they want to think that let them, keep sticking up for them cause the bullying rate is really high right now and I dont know why. If your overweight , cut thing out of your diet. Just dont let it get to the point where you dont talk about it. Stand up to bullies cause behind that mask they wear, theyre nothing. Its all an act and make sure you let everyone know. good luck man


Well-known member
thats great that you can stick up to people. im proud of you for that :)
and why do you hate yourself? your just sticking up for people and they are making fun of you for it, dont hate your self you are doing a great thing, they are not. the truth is when your in a situation like that you have to get parents and teachers and maybe the Principal involved and then say to yourself dont take the insults personally, and just say once i graduate i will never see them again, ever...but you do you have to let things out, if you feel like crying, then cry, but you should really let you parents know about whats going on, your emotions too. hope this helps, good luck, and God Bless


Well-known member
Brit! Don't hate yourself buddy! Everybody here likes you, you're a really cool guy. Those kids are real jerks! Their parents should be talked too but I wouldn't be surprised if their parents weren't any different.
Maybe you should talk to the school principle? In the meantime (I know it's hard) to let those idiots define who you are. You're Awesome!

P.S that kid who chased you with his privates out should be expelled from school. Tell your parents. That is sexual harassment and he could get into really big trouble.
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Active member
Let me tell you, thats school. There is always gonna be *******s trying to become known for being "alphas" Its bull****, don't stop sticking up for people but know your limit. There is always gonna be someone stronger, faster or better connected, also if someone wont stand beside you after you help them, then perhaps you should stop. They'll quickly understand that they have to stick up for one another. Dont try to be a hero.

P.S: At your age is easier to get fitter, go on a diet and do weights, push ups & press ups. Even some before going to school or bed will help, if you can join any sport clubs in school do so. Training naturally releases Endorphins which will make you feel great!
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Well-known member
Anyone who is brave enough to stand up for others should never hate themselves.All the speeches you hear adults saying about bullies...well they're all true.People bully out of insecurity.They bully out of envy.They bully sometimes because they're being bullied.

None of these are excuses by any means.It's just meant to help you understand how much better off you are than the people bullying you.

Heck sweetie I'm 30 and I just had to deal with getting bullied yesterday by two other women. We're talking nasty FB messages,harassing me via text message,etc...it's crazy.

I feel sorry for people like that. They aren't happy and they don't like it when people around them are happy.

It sucks and it's difficult but you have to forget about those people.You'll move on to bigger and better things while they will grow old and bitter. Hating yourself isn't acceptable.


Well-known member
Anyone who is brave enough to stand up for others should never hate themselves.All the speeches you hear adults saying about bullies...well they're all true.People bully out of insecurity.They bully out of envy.They bully sometimes because they're being bullied.

None of these are excuses by any means.It's just meant to help you understand how much better off you are than the people bullying you.

Heck sweetie I'm 30 and I just had to deal with getting bullied yesterday by two other women. We're talking nasty FB messages,harassing me via text message,etc...it's crazy.

I feel sorry for people like that. They aren't happy and they don't like it when people around them are happy.

It sucks and it's difficult but you have to forget about those people.You'll move on to bigger and better things while they will grow old and bitter. Hating yourself isn't acceptable.

* Round of applause Agent V * No one should ever be harassing each other, no matter how angry they are at the person. Sending out angry hate messages, what is that going to do? Nothing. It's very juvenile to do so.


Active member
Well done for sticking up for yourself. But a word of caution from someone who has seen/experienced this kind of situation, be very careful how you react physically in fact try to steer clear at reacting physically at all. Things get out of hand very quickly, example... You have had a s**t day and feel the whole world is against you. a bully starts. you start and through anger cannot stop.... example 2.. you get physical with a bully and this time you ARE by a road.. you push bully away from you.. a car comes.... Im just trying to make you aware of your actions and it would be a shame for you to grow up with this emotional baggage. What I would do? Ignore. try to better yourself, be it getting fit or working on your O's< not a big deal in the adult world but kids are kids (immature no no better) show them you are made of more, show them that you are awesome! they will eventually respect you for it! but it takes work. Use their insults as fuel to think 'you know what fuuu you!' Don't get consumed by it tho, that my friend is a slippery slope. You are only 13 ffs you have a long time ahead of you. Set yourself up to do better. Remember these kids that bully are bullying for a reason be it parents, stress, hormones the list goes on. They use you as a whipping boy because they no no other way. they are the weak ones. Use your head, stay smart, wise up and think outside the box. You are awesome! You are seeking advice instead of letting it fester kudos to you! Sorry for the ramble its hard to get a point across typing :)