Bullied at work


Hi im being bullied by my managers where i work due to me making a complaint about a member of staff, the member of staff had injured me by grabbing my ribs on several occasions and hurting me and made out of line comments. I told my manager and she laughed in my face and kept being on my back all the time. I eventually withdrew my complaint as i could not stick the bullying no more, but lately its all began again, they change the rota for my days off the day before, they belittle me, make digs at me, give me impossible tasks, I was even told off for having a drink. If anyone has any advice on what i can do i will be very greatfull.
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Well-known member
That's horrible. I feel you. When Manager is a jerk themselves is the worst. I think this happens far too often, sadly. Dont know where you work or how important this actual job is - but searching for a new one is an option. Wish I had more to offer other than try be more assertive but I know from experience how hard it is in similar situations esp after a while in them.

Hopefully others have better advice for ya =(


Thank you, Both my managers gang up on staff, its not just me there mean to theres a foreign friend of mine who works there and they bring her to tears. i work for a big company who are well known. I am thinking of getting a solicitor but i don`t know if that`l be any good. Thank you for your comment. :)


Well-known member
Okay. Human Resources? Tried talking to them? Esp if a big company... sometimes that's good or bad. But if they're doing this to others... and they can acknowledge that, definitely a case here.


Well-known member
Don't quit your job, you must face it!!! Plus your friend will be suffering alone if you quit.

When you think about it in the future, you will know that you defeated them or caused some harm, and no one should ever mess with you.

Use any (lawful) tactics to get back at them. They are worth your time if its to boost your confidence.


Well-known member
^not all retail managers are that way

I treat all my employees with the same respect with which i would want to be treated

and i never ask them to do anything that i don't also do myself

just sayin'


id just go to and tell the mangers if their immature and disrespectful behaviour continues u will be seeking a lawyer for work harrasment and will be talking to the labour board and sending a letter to the head of the company .. thats what i would do ..
Take this further, take it to human resources.

If not, threaten the manager with discriminiation. Take the whole company you work for to court. That manager represents what the company thinks of YOU so therefore the company is bullying you which means that the people that are higher than your little insecure manager will be looking for someones head(s) to fly off. You have many, MANY rights. Don't let a little insignificant person like that drag you down with their insecurities.

Get your manager ****** fired.

I can understand what this feels like after experiencing a similar situation when I was about 18. So I know how annoying this is.

Good Luck.


Thank you all for your comments, they are helpfull. I did a written grievance to my head office of the company as i could not talk to my store manager ( they are all very close in my store) . Which for some reason they sent a copy to my store. Im sure my manager has seen it as she has got worse, my store manager wanted a chat with me in her office in which she was asking me stupid questions like am i on drugs am i drinking when did you split from your boyfriend and asking about my family and asking what was on my doctors record,( i have been getting panic attacks since the bullying). none of her business really though i think. I am looking for another job, theres not a lot out there, id like to be able to get the managers back for how they have treated staff. one of my friends did walk out after she stood up to my manager and she got took to the office and told off my manager said she was scary looking and to old for the job. I have been writing a diary of whats happend plus have written letters from staff who have left to help me. Thank you for your advice people. i hope to get this sorted.


Active member
Find a way to record the harassment, then sue these pigs big time. Do not forgive, make them pay in full


Well-known member
Your bully manager probably asked those questions to find a justification for dismissing you. They are evil. Don't take it lying down. Start looking for other jobs, and report to the police if they are assaulting you. Report them for violence, sexual harassment - everything you think they have done to you. Don't take these demons lying down.


Thank you all for your comments, I Have not done anything wrong so there is no need to treat me badly.
I made a complaint about a staff member that my managers liked, but he had injured me. and now the one paying for it.
I work hard and i do like my job apart from the management. Ive worked there for four years and my new management have been there about 6 months now.
Id like to record them, Do i have to tell them im recording i no that sounds silly but id hate for them to sue me for doing so.
My manager does no work at all she just sits in her office and comes out to have a go, i got told off for having a drink as i had to leave the counter, but i work on a counter which is over 80 degrees and thats on a cool day.
The manager asking personal questions was my store manager , the one bullying is my line manager.
I really hope this is over soon, I have wrote to my head office again today, asking why my issue has been ignored.


Well-known member
Grabbing your ribs? Could you go into more detail about this? that doesn't make sense to me right now. Why would they grab your ribcage?


He did it as he walked past me for no reason, he would just come behind and grab me in the ribs while i was serving, he knew it hurt and did it on several occasions. I dont know why he did it.
Hello Facefan, I think that what you describe is serious. Please have a look at this because this would help you:
Bullying in the workplace

Also are you member of a trade union? If you are then you could take it up with them. Maybe you could look into joining one if you're not.


You need to call whoever THEIR boss is. Corporate- and talk to Human Resources. If they do not do anything I would look for a lawyer, and tell them that. Don't quit your job unless it becomes too unbearable of course.

As for a camera, I really don't think you can get in trouble for that, but it seems like it would be hard to do. Maybe a small tape recorder?

Keep a journal of what happens to you, what has been said, etc. Try to be as specific as possible and keep dates, document it.

And please update us?
I agree, in such a case as yours, from what you've said, you should do all the above. Whats been done to you is not right.
In your case, I would definately seek legal support (BEFORE taking any further action). In addition, I would whole-heartedly search for a new, better job.
You dont have to put up with an employer or company that thinks this behaviour is OK.
I know how this feels, Im in a similar situation at the moment.
Its made me question my own judgement, and damaged my confidence no end.
I'm looking for other work, the wages are good, but Im trying not to believe the people that say "theres no work out there" in these days of resecion.
Please feel free to PM me if you want to chat.
I hope you can add more to this thread soon, and be able to say you've beaten the b*stards. They are weak but you are strong. They would have you believe otherwise.
But this is an illusion.
And its simply not true.
You can have control of this situation, if you choose to.
It may not be feel easy at first, but if you stay strong and keep your dignity, you will win.
As soon as you choose this to happen.
Stick at it. And dont back down an inch.


Well-known member
i've seen this happen a number of times in certain industries, retail, hospitality, sales, and especially trades/factories. essentially you may have emotionally immature people in charge as managers or above you in terms of experience and to be honest from what i know talking to others, complain and ask to remain anonymous. A responsible manager should then speak to the person/people bullying..then give it a week and see if things get improve if not then just leave. Don't hang around because you deserve a happy lifestyle. And sure the job will provide money but if you are miserable then is it worth it? Ask yourself how desperately do you need to stay there.

essentially these people have had the ego/arrogance to succeed in a work place clique but still have the emotional and psychological intelligence of a 6th grader bully.

My advice is to actually walk out and resign if you feel it doesn't improve. Best thing to do. Talk to your parents or relitives and firmly convince them that you want to leave so you can spend full time looking for another job. Offer to do some chores to replace rent money (if you have to pay rent money) ...

If you have a house and are renting then you can look into temping agencies finding you work quickly if needed and other avenues.

also next time you are approached don't be afraid to give some energy back, this could be you pushing them away or shirt fronting them as a defence mechanism. Or try and think of a good sentence to throw at them that is witty and a bit sarcastic, if you can.