Browsing Facebook makes me feel like crap


Well-known member
And for some reason, I keep going back...

Every time I go looking at people's pictures especially, I just feel so left out...most people are out doing things meeting people, getting in (and out) of relationships...

Just one visit is enough to screw up my day. I'm considering suspending my account now.


Well-known member
dont feel to bad , i know or used to know people on there , there not all happy in spite of what there pics look like or freinds they have , most of it just just social networking cos they dont have much of a life facebook is just something to do to pass the time :)


Well-known member
If one visit is enough to ruin your day, then you should close your facebook acount. Because checking it always will just make you feel worse day by day


Active member
My facebook is so lonely. I even had the guts to add the girl I liked. She didn't accept it. I tried adding again because I thought it didn't work. What a dumbass I am. Then she messaged me "I'm sorry do I know you?". How I feel like crap. I didn't reply. Why did I ever join facebook. ( TO FIND PICTURES OF HER! God I'm so sad. ::p:)


Well-known member
Just remember that people try to present themselves in the best way possible - so what you're seeing may only represent 10% of what their lives are really like.

Behind closed doors, their lives my be total crap and they're trying to make themselves feel better by posting pictures of the only ten minutes of happiness they had all week.

Facebook, the internet, television.... it's NOT real life. Don't be fooled by what you see.


Well-known member
That's why i quit facebook.

Then again i'm sick of hearing about peoples great social lives when i am at work too.


Staff member
I just removed lots of people I never talk to, it's crap really

I think most are fakes and frauds
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Well-known member
Just remember that people try to present themselves in the best way possible - so what you're seeing may only represent 10% of what their lives are really like.

Behind closed doors, their lives my be total crap and they're trying to make themselves feel better by posting pictures of the only ten minutes of happiness they had all week.

Facebook, the internet, television.... it's NOT real life. Don't be fooled by what you see.

That's so true, particularly the first part. Everybody has their issues, and their forms of escapism. Escapism for some is heading out to a night club or a restaurant with some friends. Sure, we don't do that, but one day.

I'm going to try and take the whole approach of "the glass isn't half empty.." - I'm picturing a more social life that I'm going to get when I get past these issues. The difference is, I've worked hard for it, and I've been through so much, that I'll appreciate it a huge amount. There's nothing like knowing you've made it. I'll make it.
I used to "cyberstalk" (minus any harassment or contact) former friends or flings. I was never able to escape the urge to until I substantiated my own life. The majority of the relationships ended unfavorably, so there were loose ends, but I ultimately managed to let go.