Breaking Bad (poss spoilers)


I was expecting a lot more... but it was alright, except 'are you calling me a liar?'.
It was great. It really couldn't have gone any other way ever since everything started to unravel, and it tied up pretty nicely too..

I'm also glad that Walt and Jesse didn't end up shooting each other, while they were by no means fans of each other by the end, they left on as good a terms as they could considering all that had happened. A bitter-sweet bro moment, classic Breaking Bad style.

The scene with Gretchen and Elliot was awesome too. The beginning just went on forever, it's was real exciting I think.


Well-known member
I know fans might've been expecting something crazy at the end, but let's see them do better. To be honest, the real ending to the show was Ozymandias. Granite State and Felina were more like epilogues. Perhaps viewers would rather Walter live so that they could envision on their own how he dies. I get that. But I have no complaints with how it went down. No major ones anyway. If I were to nitpick, I'd have done without the flashbacks to the earlier eps, and would have preferred a longer interaction/more suspense between Walt and Uncle Jack's crew. But I LOVED the Gretchen and Elliot scene. That was vintage, awesome BB. And the scenes with Skyler and baby Holly were gut-wrenching. It was almost like the first of three endings in the ep. The other being the resolution with Uncle Jack's crew. And the final being the Jesse/Walt one. I dunno how I'll feel about it watching it a second time though. I just miss it being gone. :(


^I agree it sucks that it's gone.

As far as I know, there is nothing else on TV that I can get into the same way as BB.


Well-known member
^I agree it sucks that it's gone.

As far as I know, there is nothing else on TV that I can get into the same way as BB.

There's still three quality shows left: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Justified. IMO anyway.


Well-known member
The finale left a little less emotional impact on me then I thought it would've , but it was still great. I agree that Ozymandias was the real emotional climax, but I'm really glad that Walter had some redemption and catharsis in Felina, while still being the morally ambigious character we knew ("goodbye Lydia"). Also really glad things ended on good terms with Jesse.

In a way I'm glad it ended, and in such a fulfilling way, because BB was really becoming an escapist obsession for me, I've spent way too much time thinking about how the story might continue. :shyness:


I haven't seen Game of Thrones... people seem to be excited about it, but I'm not big on fantasy stuff. And I despise the Walking Dead... I tried so hard to like it, but that just made me hate it more. Justified seems alright-- I really liked Walton Goggins in The Shield but with Justified I think I saw the first episode but nothing beyond that.

BB had just the right mix of quirky characters with dark humor and a fantastic main character that everyone could identify with... it's not going to happen again for a very long time, if ever.
I haven't seen Game of Thrones... people seem to be excited about it, but I'm not big on fantasy stuff. And I despise the Walking Dead... I tried so hard to like it, but that just made me hate it more. Justified seems alright-- I really liked Walton Goggins in The Shield but with Justified I think I saw the first episode but nothing beyond that.

BB had just the right mix of quirky characters with dark humor and a fantastic main character that everyone could identify with... it's not going to happen again for a very long time, if ever.

:applause: I agree Odo!


Well-known member
I think the finale was less grim than we've come to expect from Breaking Bad, especially after Ozymandias. That being said, I loved the ending and thought it was perfect.


Well-known member
The ending, in my opinion, was wrapped up really nicely. I agree with some other comments, that they were expecting more. But it was nice that there was a real ending. The creator stated "We went through a lot of false starts and endings that went nowhere, but we knew we needed to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts ... In some cases unanswered questions are good, but in this case, in a finite and closed-ended show, we needed resolution. The Sopranos ending I thought was great, I thought it was perfect for that show. This story was finite all along. It's a story that starts at A and ends at Z. It's a very closed-ended thing."


Well-known member
People have really been spoilt by good television... its going to be hard for a show to satisfy anyone for a while..

anyone watching or enjoying Boardwalk Empire?


Well-known member
It was a really good finale, but not great.

Like people said, the real climax was Ozymandias.

I loved the Gretchen and Elliot scene, it was epic.

Didn't find Walt's death depressing, it was a bit sad, but he finally realized that all that he did, he did it for himself, for his own happiness. You can see that smile at the end when he was wandering the lab, it was a smile of no regrets, of a fulfilled man, the completion of a great experience. And it certainly took me to the first episodes, so much memories of baker Walt, baking that meth.

It's truly one of the best shows of all time. For some reason, I think I haven't realized this yet, because I'm in between House MD and BB, is just that I love House, he's so miserable.
Both great shows.

On my watch list now: Homeland, Dexter and I want to see The Wire, since people just talk wonders about it.


Well-known member
The last episode was good, but not as good as I expected. In my opinion the highest point of this show was the season 4 finale (Face off). Especially the scene where Gus Fring walks towards the nursing home, I like the music in that scene a lot, it's like something out of a Sergio Leone movie. "Crawl space" and "Ozymandias" were excellent as well.