Being single - does the pain decrease with age?


Well-known member
I have a question to older folks here who are single and never experienced love and intimacy with the opposite sex. Does it become more bearable with age in your experience? How do you deal with regrets?


Well-known member
It's gets harder with age.

Because being single and on your own is ok in your late teens and twenties to a certain extent - playing the field!

In your mid thirties people are married with kids.

Your still on you own getting older and less attractive.

Yes - I'm bitter and angry - what would you expect?


New member

I am well over 40 and can tell you it gets worse. In your twenties and thirties, at least you still have a future. In your forties and early fifties your body starts failing you in many way (not not just THAT way) and you start to become aware of your own mortality, that you have nothing meaningful to live for, and that you are leaving nothing meaningful behind.



Well-known member
kell8868 said:

I am well over 40 and can tell you it gets worse. In your twenties and thirties, at least you still have a future. In your forties and early fifties your body starts failing you in many way (not not just THAT way) and you start to become aware of your own mortality, that you have nothing meaningful to live for, and that you are leaving nothing meaningful behind.


I felt sad and anxious when I read this. It was not the answer I was hoping to hear, but deep down I know this is inevitable. But then, we are all going to die.. maybe we should find things to live for.. for me it would be my religion. I'm a Muslim. But one can have other goals as well, such as studying. I like learning new things. It gives me energy.


Well-known member
Those feelings are there to motivate you to try to get a girlfriend. Nature intended us to have partners of the opposite sex. I think you need to act on those feelings and think about how you could gradually and incrementally improve your situation and get a girlfriend. The only thing that's stopping you is your sp.


Well-known member
I would assume it gets tougher. After all, as we age life loses a lot of its luster. For a lot of people they begin to realize the only thing they even really have worth living for are their friends and loved ones. Career goals have either already been met or you realize they simply never will be. You're probably not going to get any richer than you already are. Most people don't want to date older people...including other older people so the dating game may prove more brutal than you ever imagined. If you're a woman it may be too late to have children of your own as your biological clock has stopped ticking. And if you've never been in a relationship in the first 40 years of your life you'd have to admit that it's just as likely that you won't be in one in the next 40. The good part is that by a certain age you'll probably be comfortable with your life as a loner, no matter how painful it is.


I'm 28 and i can already tell you it's tougher now then when i was 21.and it was really tough back then. EVERYBODY in my imediate family has a girlfriend,wife,husband,boyfriend. I have never even been on a date. I've never lived an adult life.The longer I go on the more reinforcement i get that i will be single my whole life.I don't feel like a normal person at all. It really does hurt.

To be honest,knowing that everybody in my family is now starting families and acclimating themselves in the next stages of their life,i have this urge to just leave and dissapear so i don't have to face the fact that i'm the only one in my family who has nobody.


Well-known member
I'm only 25, but I feel like over the years for me, being single has gotten easier....right now I feel like I'm in a very comfortable place where I'm quite happy on my own....I know I can cope on my own cause I've done it all my life so far, and there are lots of advantages to being alone.....there are lots of freedoms that couples don't have.....and I'm quite content to be alone for the rest of my life.....I'd still love to find my soulmate and fall in love and start a family, but I don't think thats the most important thing in life....if it doesn't happen I won't worry about it....I'll always have my family and friends around yea....all in all I feel quite content with being alone and am not fearful of the future.


Active member
jayo said:
It's gets harder with age.

Because being single and on your own is ok in your late teens and twenties to a certain extent - playing the field!

In your mid thirties people are married with kids.

Your still on you own getting older and less attractive.

Yes - I'm bitter and angry - what would you expect?

i agree totally
when i was 16 and never had gf i was like "hey, i'm still young i have time"
now i'm 23 and i everybody around me had some experience with girls and i'm still alone. i feel worse and worse. if i don't get a gf by the time i'm 30 i know i'm gonna feel like a total loser