being called as a loser


New member
I have a really good friend of a mine, who recently got a girlfriend.
We used to hang out every single day, then he moved in with his girlfriend
Now I see him maybe twice a week, for a short period of time.

Yesterday, my buddy said his girlfriend and roommates are having girl's night or something so I asked him to play dota (if you don't know what it is, it's 5v5 real time action strategy game.) and we were playing for a bit.

We were on skype, untill his girlfriend and her drunken roommates interrupted.

Then for a some reason, I heard them calling me a loser through skype.
I remember specifically some girl saying "dave, you are such a loser"
(replaced my realname with dave)

I don't know why they called me a loser but certainly didn't feel good.

After a bit when they all left the room I asked my friend why they called me a loser he said maybe they were joking.

Then maybe 5-10 more minutes into the game, my friend just left without saying anything and we lost the game.

All I wanted to do was enjoy a game with my friend just like old times but it really ruined my night.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that, but all I can say is **** them.
No one's opinion of you changes who you are, and you shouldn't let it get you down. Especially not the opinion of some drunk idiots.
What a bunch of inconsiderate freinds he has! Loser? Really? You weren't the one getting wasted and making a complete fool of yourself, his gf and her friends were. Sounds to me like they are the losers. I have been called that before and it really makes me mad, especially when the one(s) saying it don't even know me. I don't know your situation but what about trying to find some new friends, as hard as it is, I believe it would be worth it.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone, they're not the one's who should decide who you are. You definitely aren't a loser. I'm sorry.


New member
well thx guys, I really wanted to get this one out of my chest and say it to someone,

I really appreciate you guys understanding me.


Well-known member
People like this are what makes me always relapse. Sometimes when I get better, then these incidents happen, and all my past efforts go down the drain and I become that bitter person I once was.


Well-known member
I feel your pain. Don't let it get to you, even though it is difficult. I would call her a tramp. :/
I'm like you. Hearing something like that would definitely get me feeling down. But you should realise that what she said is just some word she blurted out while being drunk. Don't let it get to you. You are better than that.


Although I'm not really aware of the entire situation with your friend and his girlfriend, blurting out something like that is painful. I know, as quite a few other people from this forum probably do, that people can change when they get around others or with certain individuals and it's distressing to witness.

With your friend, I bet the main reason he didn't really do anything to help was because he was getting a steady supply of sex and if not that, a steady supply of affection and acceptance and so he doesn't really want to rock the boat - which is extremely wrong of him but sometimes, the majority of human beings can be rather weak like that, even if he is or was a good friend.

I can totally empathize with your situation and if anything, I just want you to know that however bad and put down you feel for some calling you a loser, it's just not the truth. I'm not sure of the exact reasons why she would be doing that but it's usually a symptom of the normality cult - try to push down or push away anything that deviates too far from the average as bad, weird or stupid and any opportunity to devalue someone will be taken.

Phew! Sorry about that - I know this your thread but it just makes me angry when I see that kind of dismissive behaviour not just from your friend's girlfriend but from himself as well.


Well-known member
Maybe she is jealous of the time you spend with her bf. I would try to be the bigger person in this situation. If she continues to disrespect you, and your friend is choosing to overlook this, then maybe you should accept that your friendship has come to an end.