Bein irrational


Well-known member
Wat are other users on this site most irrational fear.i always think that im actin wierd in sum way even when im not.wat wud your main irrationals fears with sa be


I hate walking in front of large groups of people because I'm always afraid I'm gonna fall and land on my face in front of them.


Well-known member
It's not SA related but, sometimes, when I'm indoors and I can hear an airplane that sounds particularly low in the sky, I somehow manage to convince myself that its engines are failing and is subsequently set on a collision course with my house.


Well-known member
All fears are irrational. It's about whether or not you succumb to them. My only one is people, in most people's presence i feel uncomfortable, possibly because i'm scared of their disapproval of me, or because i'm insecure in myself. I don't think it's right to succumb to or be motivated by fear though....


Well-known member
All fears are irrational. It's about whether or not you succumb to them.....

all fears arent irrational theres plenty of rational things to be fearful of even if u didnt have sa. its just that people with sa cant control there anxiety in the same way as most people so we tend to be fearful of irrational things much more
Theres honestly nothing been posted here that I can't relate to! I get every one of these - thought i was the only one with the fear of planes thing.

I'd say my main one would be eating, buying, talking about or being anywhere near food cause i think people will see me as a fat slob.
My mothers a strict weight-loss freak too. When I'm in her house i have to sneak around when getting food or else go next door to my grandmothers with m dinner.
And when i do eat in front of people Im comfortable with i try to distract them from the fact I'm eating, by talking - looking at something, pretending theres something interesting there. I cant let them hear me eating so if everything goes quiet I'll stop eating until there's noise again.

Actually had a dream last night that i was eating dinner with the family. Everyone went quiet and I broke into hysterics crying and telling them I'd SA and everything - felt so real...

I really should stop writing essays!


Active member
i might/might have killed someone

i might have a serious, life threatening illness

i may go crazy, and hurt loved ones or friends

i might swerve off the road, into oncoming traffic, or a guardrail/tree

being afraid to vomit, in private or public

afraid of my Anxiety itself, making me think i'm going crazy, or something like that

that i could have Schizophrenia