Bad handwriting

Does anybody have poor pen menship? All of my life, I've always had poor handwriting. The reason why I asked is because I want to know if there is a correlation between AS/SA and poor handwriting.
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written hands

I don't have bad hand writing, I just write really really crooked if I don't have lines, and sometimes it's a little off because my hands are so shakey. I think the only reason my handwriting is really neat is because it takes me forever, and I want it to be really neat. I'll even erase and rewrite what I write a bunch of time just so it looks extra perfect. It's annoying.
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Well-known member
no , but if you have social phobia you may have depression , and if you do , you sorta of dont care about little things like how you write , or ,you understande righ?


Well-known member
Hmm different hand writing styles can determine personality traits. I don't know how much you can believe it.. But it's neat to learn about. I have decent writing, sometimes it's sloppy.. Sometimes not.. It wavers a lot.. This should be a poll. :p


Well-known member
I've got shocking handwriting, it's really messy and the words go up and down and don't go in a straight line.


People always comment that I write all my letters backwards as opposed to how they were taught. My handwriting is pretty neat though, unless people are watching me then I focus on writing fast and it gets pretty messy lol.



Well-known member
I'm left-handed, so... yeah.

Non too great at handwriting. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with SA personally.


Well-known member
Does anybody have poor pen menship? All of my life, I've always had poor handwriting. The reason why I asked is because I want to know if there is a correlation between AS/SA and poor handwriting.

I have horrendous handwriting, but it's still perfectly legible.


Well-known member
I'm left-handed, so... yeah.

Non too great at handwriting. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with SA personally.

I always come out of my classes with my left hand completely blue or black from the ink. One time I tried to learn how to write backwards...didn't work out too well for some reason....
I don't think my handwriting's that bad- I kind of like it. Although when I'm writing too fast sometimes I can't even read it. When I was younger I would play around with writing backwards and upside down- and it was pretty legible. I'm out of practice writing that way, but I can read things upside down and backwards (like reflected in a mirror). So I don't think the handwriting thing has much to do with SA. And my mom is left-handed and has great handwriting, so I don't think that has much to do with it either.

Rise Against

Well-known member
I have the worst cursive writing ever... i cant even read my own cursive... so i write in print. lol. I have ADD and im pretty sure that there is a correlation between ADD and sloppy handwriting.


Well-known member
My handwriting has always been terrible. I don't see a connection with SA unless its because your hand is shaking.


Well-known member
I heard that handwriting is linked to reading skills.. my sister has dyslexia and she has very bad handwriting