bad birth


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I'm wondering if the real origin of the use of the term "depression" stems from the fact that "they" know the brain is literally depressed and not just referring to your emotional state. I don't believe we are being told the truth.


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C-section. During which I got cut in the back (still got the scar). I was also born a bit early. And my mother is a smoker.


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"if mothers are stressed during pregnancy, it effects the brain of her fetus."

haha I would call rubbish on this one, all mothers are stressed during pregnancy how could you not be......
The cord was wrapped around my neck choking me apparently
Is this why you have problems eating? (At least I remember you said you were skinny)
That makes sense. I recall reading some material (i think Dianetics/Scientology) about how not only does various birth trauma effect the baby in quite an astounding way, but also pre-birth as well (ie while still a fetus in womb). I'm not talking of the physical trauma, which can certainly have their own serious consequences, but the emotional/psychological effects on the baby, which can have a deep lasting impact on their entire life. Part of Dianetics involves "clearing" the person, by going right back in time on the "time-track", to before they were born, and "addressing" (using special devices/techniques) those issues.

I've always suspected i got some of my worst problems from that time (in the womb). My mother was a workaholic & a stressaholic. And she was working in a piggery (yes, loud screaming pigs & many other loud noises) probably right up till having me. To this day i have extreme problems with loud noises, esp sudden ones. I've never been able truly relax properly (always working on something). Etc, etc.
I'm wondering if the real origin of the use of the term "depression" stems from the fact that "they" know the brain is literally depressed and not just referring to your emotional state. I don't believe we are being told the truth
My understanding is that it's like when the weather person on TV says 'we're currently in a depression right now'; which means "L"; and both "L" and "H" are comparitively of long duration (usually at least a few days). On the other hand, a thunder storm, hail storm, torrential rain ... these are all short-duration things typically.

So in terms of depression (which basically is having a low mood that lingers), if one has low-level depression (eg dysthymia), then it lasts indefinately, and perhaps is a permanent issue. If it's major depression (eg MDD), then it also lasts a fair while. But one can also just be "depressed" about something, which might only last a day or so, and which i regard as being different to "depression".

And connecting this back to birthing trauma, i believe both physical & psychological traumas at (& before) birth, can possibly make the person much more susceptible to mental disorders such as GAD, depression, ADHD, SA, ...


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My mom had a very difficult pregnancy.. she was losing so much weight because I wouldn't let her eat anything that the doctors did check-ups on her much more frequently than any other normal pregnant woman. Plus, my mom had an 11, 10, & two 8 year olds on her hands, so yes she was stressed.


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my mom was at the pool having a swim when she went into labor with me

she took my brothers and sister home to wait for my dad to get there from work so he could watch them when she went onto the hospital

she made everyone ham sandwiches while she waited
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Well-known member
my mom was at the pool having a swim when she went into labor with me

she took my brothers and sister home to wait for may dad to get there from work so he could watch them when she went onto the hospital

she made everyone ham sandwiches while she waited

That explains so much.


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I was born premature. My parents used to live in a skyrise apartment on the 32nd floor. One day the elevator stopped working so my parents had to take the stairs. In the process, my mother couldn't go on any further so they had to climb back down the stairs and take her to the hospital, where I was born. I think being born premature has something to do with me having asperger's.
I think being born premature has something to do with me having asperger's
Well i wasn't born premature, but more-or-less have aspergers.

Another thing that can cause problems is food allergies, for instance gluten intolerance. I've probably always had some form of that; often hand always had bloat, floating stools, smelly bombs, as a child & teen. Also low-level depression.

In summary, here's what i think are some of the causes for my main/major problems:
• Aspergers: Food/diet intolerance. And maybe environmental toxins
• Anxiety & Noise sensitivity: Pre-birth trauma
• Depression & Neurosis: Genetics
• Social Anxiety: All of above. And Genetics