bad birth


Active member

Yes, my birth lasted 40 hours, and was traumatic as Hell. I died twice in utero, and they jump started my heart by throwing my mom sideways against the way. Both parents pleaded with the doctors to get a C-section, but they refused. I even defecated I was under so much effin' stress. My dad finally insisted we all be taken to another hospital, for fear "this child will be born retarded...." Ten minutes later we were all on an ambulance, and half an hour after we left the first hospital I was born, by C-section. The whole problem was my mom didn't dilate enough.

Interesting side note, we later learned the KKK operates out of Tripler Hospital (this was back in 1981, don't know if they still do.) My father is black and my mom is white.
Wow Lorraine! That explains a lot!!!

I was born a week late or something -
stopped breathing (could i say i died?) at birth.
(When they told me i stopped breathing, i assumed it was for a second - but after last nights EastEnders - I'm freaked out!!)..

That said I've always had SA and been extremely clumsy and forgetful!

Do ye think that bad births/pregnancies could be what led us to have/eventually have SA??


Well-known member
I was born blue. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck, so I couldn't breathe, thus I was deprived of oxygen and my skin went blue.
I really don't remember much of what happened when I was baby/child. For all I know my parents could be hiding something. Or... not. My psychologist suggests that the bond between my mother and I has clearly been disrupted. She is a nice person, but I won't let her anywhere near me, which apparently started when I was very young.
I was also a 'blue baby'. Some doctors believe there is a link between traumatic births and anxiety/shyness. From memory, Dr Gilmartin (author of The Shy Man Syndrome) was one of them.

That would explain so much! Maybe its 'cause our initial reaction when being born was panic, anxiety, fear etc.? Kinda like water birth babies can breathe under water longer or something.
My birth was a normal, vaginal birth- no complications. My dad even delivered me because they didn't make it to a hospital. My mother did smoke while she was pregnant with me (and with all of my siblings), and I know that that is linked to many problems, I'm not sure if anxiety/depression is one of them. I think I've heard that low birth weight is linked to it, but myself and my siblings were all in the normal 6-8 pound range.

Serafina, it's interesting that you bring up postpartum depression- I actually experienced the opposite when I was pregnant with both of my kids. I was depressed while pregnant, and much better after the birth. In fact, after the birth of my second child, I had zero depression for the first time I could remember in my entire life- up until I was diagnosed with depression, I just thought that feeling that way was "normal," and after the diagnosis I had started thinking that I would never know what it feels like to not be depressed. I don't know if my being depressed while pregnant has had any impact on the kids- my daughter is quite normal (waaay more social than me ::p:), but my son is autistic- so far no anxiety/depression because of it though. For now, he's a very happy child overall.


Well-known member
My mum was stressed and fed up while pregnant with me because she constantly had indigestion lol, caused by me having alot of hair apprantly? I was born with curls and a tooth already lmao! I was two weeks late and my mum lost 4 pints of blood with me and i was really purple she said. :eek: Doctors fault though, not mine! :rolleyes:


Active member
That''s so weird how almost everyone here was delivered via c-section. It seems like there's some kind of connection. I was also born via c-section (my sisters were not, and they are perfectly normal)

Anyway, according to my mom my birth was very traumatic. (she has told me the whole story many, many times :roll:) Well I'm not really sure what was wrong, but I was lost behind all of her organs or something. The had to pull out all of her insides and put them on a table so they could finally find me and pull me out. I was born really small, but I think that's because my mom smoked while she was pregnant with me.
Awkward births....
Would you think they'd lead to other mental illnesses in general too in some cases?

Like Macbeth for example. (Shakespeare)
He was born thru caesarean section and in the end he became schizophrenic, and heard voices and hallucinated. Ended up killing anyone he thought might suss him out..



Well-known member
hmmm good question my mother nearly died though having my sister loss of blood ect the rest of us were normal births , dunno my old man apparently punched my mother in the guts whilst she was pregnant with 1 of us lots of hidden stuff to young to remember , dunno , im 1 of six kids they had i could go on and on but you know what :) all past tence , i have dreams nightmares sometimes about my family life , my mother loved us but wanted out of the relationship with my father , my dad used us kids to blackmail her to stay with him .. i remember being a kid looking at my mom and dad at a table holding hands , well him holding hers saying ann ann dont leave me i love you , and my mom saying ray when the kids are old enough im going ::eek:: i used to think mum what about us ...... she left in the end dont blame her really , she had her own life to think about i soppose ...


Well-known member
Research supports a link between maternal depression, traumatic births & mental illness as well as disorders such as ADHD & Aspergers Syndrome. On the flip side, you can also/or have attachment issues in the first 3 years. And there's also a genetic link for mental illness/disorders. Especially schizophrenia (which someone mentioned).


Well-known member
Yeah, my mum had difficult pregnancies with all her children and she suffered with depression. She was meant to have four kids, with the first she had an abortion, 2nd my sister her umbilical cord was ceased for the last month, for me I was trying to call it quits from the start, I’m another one that was born with the cord around my neck and had to be resuscitated, the last child got stuck in her fallopian tubes.

Me and my sis both have anxiety problems, but she doesn’t have sp, she looks forward to social events but she has an overactive thyroid which can cause a lot of anxiety.


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My mother lost the baby that she was carrying before me so there was likely to be a great deal of anxiety surrounding my own birth. My psychiatrist wanted me to talk to my mum about this being the possible source of my anxieties but I refused. A talk like that could result in nothing more than my mother blaming herself for my own problems.


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I'm a twin and I was born 6 weeks premature. I was also yanked out legs first (breech). So it was probably pretty traumatic. I had to be in an incubator for awhile as well.


Well-known member
My mom has slight anxiety and pretty severe depression. I imagine she was depressed throughout her pregnancy. She also smoked while she was pregnant with me.

As for the birth, I was reluctant to come out. I just wouldn't. They had to use forceps on my head to pull me out. They believe the doctor may have injured me somehow in that process, because I started having horrible seizures after that. It lasted for a while. My mom had them do a CT scan on me, and they saw blood on my brain. Like, an injury. They gave me medication to help heal the injury and stop the seizures. I was taken off of it once I started getting better, and I've been fine ever since. However, my mom thinks the medication may have done something to me while I was taking it. She said I was never happy when I was on it. I wouldn't smile or laugh, I would just sit there and do nothing. I almost seemed depressed. She told me that once I was taken off that medication, I was alright and was more happy. But I've had depression and panic attacks pretty much my whole life, so I always wonder...


Well-known member
i'll clarify then seeker, the kind of damage i read about was neurological, not necessarily emotional. so its more mental disability rather than mental disorder if that makes sense. really there is a fine line between the two, ive been told but thats the difference if there is one.

I have issues from birth myself, but the docs don't want to acknowledge them. I actually posted a thread with my MRI images a while back to demonstrate how obvious the problem was. So obvious even a layperson could easily identify it. My cranial vault is not the right size or shape to accommodate my brain. (YES I'm saying I have a gi-normous brain!) The front of my brain (prefrontal cortex) is flattened like its under pressure. Despite this, I'm able to more or less function just like anyone else except for depression, anxiety, low energy, foot-in-mouth disorder, autism like symptoms, etc.