Back to University



I suffer from social anxiety and depression and things have only gotten worse recently, but i plan to go back to uni to study my post graduation. It's in a different country where i don't know anybody. you can look at my earlier posts to get my history.

Do you think i would survive out there? Has anyone of you who has suffered anxiety attacks etc done such a thing and succeeded at it?

Also, always thinking of what others think of you or feeling that they are looking at you is a classic symptom of SA, isn't it? How do i overcome this feeling?


Well-known member
Hey Anders,

I just completed a law degree... I'd dropped out of 3 uni courses before this one and this one was a struggle. I passed out while giving a presentation I was so terrified. But I completed it :)

As for that feeling that people are looking at you, the only way I have found to get around it is to keep my mind on something else. Work, reading, photography... as long as I can focus I can block out the thoughts about what other people are doing and thinking.
I have tried meditation as well and that helps, again its about focussing the mind.

Good luck with your studies, I hope that they go well. Make sure you keep us updated as to how you get on :)


Well-known member

I suffer from social anxiety and depression and things have only gotten worse recently, but i plan to go back to uni to study my post graduation. It's in a different country where i don't know anybody. you can look at my earlier posts to get my history.

Do you think i would survive out there? Has anyone of you who has suffered anxiety attacks etc done such a thing and succeeded at it?

Also, always thinking of what others think of you or feeling that they are looking at you is a classic symptom of SA, isn't it? How do i overcome this feeling?

that's a good decision:) i am at uni too and in a different country and at first i thought i wouldn't like it leaving my country but it turns to be good,kind of 'a new life experience'. it's true though that sometimes SA and depression can affect your study.i recently skipped my exams cause i was depressed.But the point of this is to stay and do your best and not fall into the trap of the anxiety that holds you back.even when you feel the anxiety ,you are on your way of doing something good for yourself.good luck:)


Well-known member
First, congrats on having completing your degree, and going into post graduate, I think going to live in a new country would be quite interesting, a way to look at it would be starting afresh where no one has made a pre conceived impression of you. I would love to go to school in another country!
Cool. I too am planning to go to some exotic places to work next year. It should be fun.

I really believe that a change of environment can do a lot of good for you. It gives you a fresh start, and kind of puts your irrational fears into perspective, at least for a little while.

Desoconnor that is really impressive. You're really strong. There's no way I could've done that.


Well-known member
Well, it's really hard to say whether or not this could work out for you without knowing the details of the situation, but you are doing the best thing - trying it. You could meet wonderful people and you could meet awful ones. Being that this is in another country, it's hard to tell.

As for overcoming SA, it is really difficult to do and takes lots of hard work. For me, I think that completely ridding its presence in your life is impossible, but I think that you can reduce it to a very reasonable level where you live a pretty happy and stress-free life. For me, I used exercise, talking to friends, a small dose of medication, counseling, a healthy diet, and some journaling and now I am pretty much over my condition. I think that anyone can get over their condition, but it just takes work and finding the right combination that works for them. Good luck to you; hope this helps.


Well-known member
Im in a similar situation, i have to do a year abroad for my studies without which i would fail my course, which has really put some pressure on me. I'm worried about surviving out there as well, but i think it'll work out and if it doesn't... then i'll have tried my best, right!

It should be a real opportunity to make some new experiences, learn stuff about yourself and maybe overcome SA at some level... while we're still young enough to change :)


Well-known member
This ia so awsome. You're newly single and going to a new country where you don't have to be Shyboy anymore. You can be anyone you want and if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to your home support system. You're living my dream, baby! Make me proud!

And cudos to everyone who actually completed their education. Much envy.