ashamed of moving your body.. and the way i act.


I'm ashamed of moving my body sometimes.. and the way i act.
cuz i dunno how to do it with confidence..
i was cycling, and some guys were looking at me, and i totally messed up..
i was cycling like a robot.. :S
i'm so ashamed of this, and i dunno what this is.. is this another disorder?? :confused:
and did u guys ever heard of this?? :confused:


Well-known member
Yeah I get like that - sometimes my legs freeze up when I'm walking and I get that robot feeling you mentioned. Other times I don't know what to do with my hands, which is the main reason I used to smoke in social situations! Stupid reason to smoke, huh? :p


Well-known member
hahahhaha when i'm in awkward situations where i have nothing to do, like waiting in a queue, my whole body comes alive with activity! my feet start shaking, i start cracking my knuckles, i bite my lips, i scratch at my head and face.


Well-known member
That's pretty much low self-esteem. The Happiness Trap has some pretty good insight on the difference between self-esteem and self-acceptance. You should give it a look-see. A book I recommend.

For some reason, I also pay much more attention to the way I walk and everything when there are people nearby or passing by. It's like I have something to prove or like I have to look good. It's annoying and really bugs the hell out of me. I want to just do my thing and not worry about what others think, focusing on my own values and my sense of self-worth which, unfortunately, is almost non-existent.


Well-known member
actually i only became very conscious of how i walked when a few people commented that i walk strange, and that was a very long time ago before i knew what social anxiety was.


Well-known member
actually i only became very conscious of how i walked when a few people commented that i walk strange, and that was a very long time ago before i knew what social anxiety was.

When I was about 12 or 13 some kids at school made fun of my walk (apparently it was "bouncy") so I spent ages changing it to be more like the sullen, slouchy walk the other kids had. Now, I look back and wonder why they cared that I had a happy, bouncy walk - was it personally offensive to them or something?! ::p:


Well-known member
Yes, I have this in quite a few forms, when I'm being watched while doing something. I suppose it's performance anxiety isn't it? which is maybe part of sa. I can't even write my name if someone's watching too intently! And dancing :eek: ... I avoid at all costs.


Well-known member
When I was about 12 or 13 some kids at school made fun of my walk (apparently it was "bouncy") so I spent ages changing it to be more like the sullen, slouchy walk the other kids had. Now, I look back and wonder why they cared that I had a happy, bouncy walk - was it personally offensive to them or something?! ::p:

loool they say that when i walk, i look like i'm hopping, like the hopping chinese vampire from the legends...


Well-known member
I do this sometimes. Sometimes I don't move because I'm worried if someone will see me and sometimes when I am still I might twitch and it's embarassing most of the time.


Well-known member
I'm like that. I walk funny and people told me that before. I'm so awkward in every little thing that I do. I can't move comfortably in front of people. I hate eating in front of people too. Whatever I do, I feel much better doing it when nobody is present. Everything has to be so secretive! I don't know why I feel guilty all the time. :eek:


Well-known member
I'm like that. I walk funny and people told me that before. I'm so awkward in every little thing that I do. I can't move comfortably in front of people. I hate eating in front of people too. Whatever I do, I feel much better doing it when nobody is present. Everything has to be so secretive! I don't know why I feel guilty all the time. :eek:

I dont like to eat in front of people either... maybe around one person though.


Well-known member
yeah, I think that I look weird when i move (well, I look weird in general) and it makes me feel embarrassed.


Yeah I get like that - sometimes my legs freeze up when I'm walking and I get that robot feeling you mentioned. Other times I don't know what to do with my hands, which is the main reason I used to smoke in social situations! Stupid reason to smoke, huh? :p
Hmm it's a good reason.. If you smoke you have something to do .. You will focus your mind on something else , and it looks kinda cool.. when you smoke xD even though it isn't!


Well-known member
I'm unable to dance. On the rare social occasion such as wedding parties the only way i can think of even stepping on the dance floor is when i am drunk enough not to care, even then i feel self conscious. It's the same with playing my guitar, i can't play it in front of anyone because i get embarassed and i make mistakes. My whole body becomes stiff with anxiety.
I'm unable to dance. On the rare social occasion such as wedding parties the only way i can think of even stepping on the dance floor is when i am drunk enough not to care, even then i feel self conscious. It's the same with playing my guitar, i can't play it in front of anyone because i get embarassed and i make mistakes. My whole body becomes stiff with anxiety.

I can relate to what u sed about still feeling anxious even when on liquor. I like to dance and i know that i can, but when i get in front of crowds, my joints lock and never pop


Well-known member
Yep, when I walk or do anything else and I know I'm being watched, I become too conscious of my movements to the point where it feels like I'm walking stranger than normal because I'm conscious of it.


Well-known member
Back when I used to take Tae-Kwon-Do, I would feel awkward performing a lot of the techniques because I always felt that I looked even more ridiculous than everyone else around me, so I would sort of "pretend" to do the techniques without actually doing them.

I can eat in front of other people. . . but if I'm anywhere near a guy I think is attractive, or one that I like, I get all self-conscious.

I also used to think that clapping, flashing the 'rock-on' sign, and moving around at concerts would make me look ridiculous as well, but lately I'm getting over that, because I've noticed that I look even more ridiculous when I don't do those things.