Are your facial expressions animated?

Are your facial expressions animated in conversation?

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I have no control over my facial expressions at all, my face has a mind of its own ::eek:: I can't solve the problem at all so I just have to let it do whatever and let people think whatever they wanna think about it ::p:


Well-known member
im not really sure, suppose it does depend on who im talking to n how im feeling at the time. sometimes i dont like eyecontact so i might come across bored :s


Well-known member
why are you avoiding the doctors? my last 3 appointments i never went to, i hate sitting in the waiting room:mad: ...panic zone!...


not actually Fiona Apple
My first thought was no, but when I think about it a lot of the time they are. I don't say much, and when I do I'm very soft spoken so I have to get my message across in a non-verbal manner. When I go to say thank you, I'll smile and my eyes will get real big, my eyebrows going up and my forehead scrunching up a bit. I'll talk with my hands, I'll nod, I'll sometimes answer questions without even saying a word, just by changing my facial expression. A lot of time people can't hear me anyway so they have to go off what my face tells them.


there's no choice for "how the frack should i know? :confused: i can't watch myself (ie: me :cool:) when i talk." I can't yet respond to this poll. I has a sad ::(:. I like responding to polls. Actually my OCD likes responding to polls. Fix your poll naow so i can do the compulsion of responding to it and my heart can slow down hopefully! (yeah right...) ::p:
Nope. I live life as it were a game (of say poker), showing the absolute minimum possible expresion/emotion, so as to protect "my hand".
(Of course, thats just my face .. being the "fool" i am, if somebody would ask me to write about my "hand", i would all too readily divulge my entire hand probably! (all while maintaining my strict "poker face") .. i just love life's contradictions & idiosyncrasies)
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