> Has logical thinking cured any of your phobias?
I think it actually has, over the course of many years (i used to logically analyze all the why's & wherefore's of noises to-the-death, went way overboard, but my noise-sensitivity/reactivity was way excessive so i felt i kinda had to). Not just logical, but more importantly rational thinking, & also trying to stop myself dwelling on negatives too much (else would get all wound up into a frenzy at times)
> When they make sound simultaneously to your actions. Do you sometimes get mad and think they are doing it intentionally? I sometimes get very mad and start saying bad things in my mind.
Yeah, i've certainly had all the anger/animosity/rage with regards to noises, over the years. But nowadays i seldom get "angry", unless sth is too loud & last too long (like sby blasting away on shotgun for an hr today, got my heckles up slightly, as couldnt escape the noises, felt at the bast*rds mercy, almost felt he/they were doing it deliberately - but of course thats untrue, but thats how you can get when noises are getting to you .. as you well know)
> Update: this has gotten worst to the point where i decided to be homeless to escape from the noise. I truly believe if i don't find a cure for this i will commit suicide. This is even worst then just having regular SA where you can escape to your own room. There is noises every where i go even though i'm homeless, like it can't be escaped.
I think thats a very good idea, as you can gain a break from current enviroment, which clearly you are in urgent need of. Just realise that wherever YOU go, your PROBLEMS will generally tag along (such as your noise issues) & will resurface at some point sooner or later .. so i think it's more that you'd can never escape YOURSELF more so than escaping the noises. you could keep moving from place to place like a drifter, but stuff will always catch up with you in the end, if you dont address them adequately.
But in general, my best advice would be to try to keep stress levels down as much as you can (ie live healthy, eat healthy, etc), as in my experience stress/health has a MAJOR effect on how one reacts to the things/experiences/sensory that life throws at you.
Good luck.