Are you picky?


Well-known member
I do have standards when it comes to physical features, but I wouldn't consider myself picky. I put effort into my own appearance (work out a lot, brush my teeth after every meal and so on) and I expect someone who cares about their appearance.

I'm also working on getting my degree and thus wouldn't want to marry a woman with no education that I'd have to provide for.

Having said that, I'd prefer it if a woman had some mental baggage of her own (eg. ADHD, bipolar, Tourette's or Asperger's)--then she'd be more understanding of my Asperger's syndrome.


Well-known member
Looks are still important to me, but the looks I look for have changed as I've aged.

I can appreciate the beauty of boys half my age, but it's an aesthetic appreciation; I sure don't want to take my clothes off for them.

Conversely, I'm starting to see the appeal of silver foxes, men who can tell me the tales behind their weathered faces. Grey hair is so... poignant.

i still tend to like men who seem somewhat boy-ish (at least in some ways).

i'm very picky, but have a somewhat wide range of likes in people, i think. or maybe not.

never said i was great at decision-making.


Well-known member
I need to laugh, it's how I cope with stuff, when I am in the worst situation possible, I get the giggles. I will find something that is hilarious and focus on that. It's not just that he can make me laugh, he needs to be able to laugh. It's not jut guys though, all the friends who I surround myself with are really funny people...although sometimes unintentionally :rolleyes:. Humor makes bad things managable. I don't know why other people say it, that's just my reasoning.
I think most people would have this reasoning. I certainly wouldn't want to be with a girl who's down all the time, because those feelings would latch on to me and the relationship wouldn't be happy. Laughter is the best medicine, as they say, so why not get free dosage all the time? :)
God I'm glad I'm not looking for a partner now. All these picky women.
I tend to think the pickier you are the bigger the ego...and that's a huge turn off for me.

(I'll just take off my socks and sandals now..ah that's better!)
^ hahaha

There's something about socks and sandals together. Well, no, one of my friends does it now around the house and we tease him about it.

But as a first introductions, it's notable. The last guy we met on first introductions who wore the two together came to view the house to move in and he wasn't quite right but when we huddled in the kitchen to decide on potential newbie housemate *the sock/sandal combination was what was mentioned first....not the bad smell or unfriendly shrill voice or obnoxious laughing and general was the sock/sandal combination everyone noticed.....I don't know what it is, just something about the two together


Well-known member
As long as the guy can truly relate to me and he's not too positive or too negative, why not?
The only issue I have is unrequited love...
Am I picky? Not much...well as long as she doesn't wear socks and sandals together.
But my wife is ........and look what she got!!


Well-known member
Why is it, seemingly always, "a guy that makes me laugh".

Oh man, if I see "GSOH", I run a mile. That almost always translates into "wants someone who'll laugh at his lame jokes". It's actually more important to me to find someone I can be serious with than someone who's always straining for teh funnies.

That said, wit can be delightful, clever responses to the current moment. Best of all is when we make each other feel wittier, more intelligent, more vibrant, just by being around each other. When we spark off each other.

wit is how friends make love to each other


Active member
Nah,I used to be waiting on my dream guy until my soulmate came along.I could care less about looks,sex (virgins after almost two years),or money.I love him dearly,but there ARE times that I selfishly wish he actually had interest in the arts.


Well-known member
Not picky at all.
Almost anyone can teach you something about yourself you didn't know before.
Why be picky and deprive yourself of anything? You can know what you want but still be open.
I like what Saskia said though. True words.


Well-known member
I have a type but if the person is nice and we get along and they are attractive I don't care if they're white or black, brown hair or blonde, blue eyes or green. But I like the classic tall dark and handsome lol :D


Well-known member
I guess so...
I wouldn't bother dating anyone I'm not attracted to- and I'm not attracted to anyone.
...but I think that's a different issue that has nothing to do with being picky...